July 17, 2012

Meet me in St. Louis...

As you could see from the last few blog posts, we snuck out of the state and took a mini vacation from Michigan to Missouri.
Knowing that this was one of the last weekends clear of family and Emma's Varsity Band obligations, I took off Friday and Monday from work and we packed the girls into the family van and headed on the road for 4 days. We decided to venture on Route 66 as much as we could so that the girls could see some of the historic landmarks.  

If you have an opportunity to start in Illinois, I would highly recommend visiting Ambler's Texaco Gas Station. It's located at the intersection of U.S. Route 6 and Illinois Route 17 in Dwight, Illinois


The gas station is no longer in operation as a filling station, but when it closed, it held the record as the longest operating gas station along the historic Route 66. I shared pictures of this restored gas station on this post, but here are a few more pictures.  


We dined in Springfield IL at the Cozy Dog Drive In. 
This restaurant features Route 66 memorabilia and claims to be the first restaurant to serve corn dogs.
We also stopped at Abraham Lincoln's Tomb while in Springfield, IL. 

Our final stop the first night (after nearly 8 hours of driving) was St. Louis

No trip to St. Louis is complete without a trip to the Arch. This shot was taken from my car.

This shot was taken at the base of the arch.  Even though I've been several times, it's still impressive.

Emma was worried about the small quarters in the Arch elevator, but she did very well.

 Even Chris who doesn't enjoy extreme heights, did fine...especially because he could see Busch Stadium from the top of the arch.

We didn't stay in a Route 66 hotel the first night, but we did splurge on an English themed hotel (the Cheshire) a few minutes outside of the downtown area.  I loved the decor.

Next up...Springfield Missouri and more Route 66 highlights.


  1. I don't know how you got the girls to go up in those tiny cages. It creeped me out. I will never do that again. It is a beautiful view but lose your visual equilibrium. Cute English hotel. You have a knack for finding all the great stops....smiles...Renee

  2. What a fun roadtrip! We have never been to the arch but hope to go some day! You guys have the best vacation adventures! We should meet you sometime!

  3. What a memorable trip! you packed a lot of sightseeing in just a few days! I wanna go! lol

  4. What a great trip, and you did so much in 4 days!! Thanks for taking us along! The Arch seems so neat! Hope to see it one day!! Have a lovely night! xo Heather

  5. You and your family are great!! Thanks so much for sharing!! ms nj

  6. Always love your blog!! Thanks for taking the time to share with us!!

  7. The arch looks amazing. It is on my list of things to see one day. You covered so much territory in so little time.

  8. Hi Kim-I'm so glad to have a few minutes free to catch up on your posts. Looks like a fun vacation. We hear so much about Route 66 that it is fun to see all your photos and the landmarks-have never had a chance to drive it myself. I am going to have to show my kids your photos-I think they will be looking for the gang from the cars movies in the background!

  9. What a fun vacation to take Route 66!!! Looks like you are having a wonderful time! Great memories for your family.

  10. LOVE it, we make the drive through Mo. every year and have a blast! So many fun stops. The Arch - once is all I could do. Was fine through it all, got off and said, I don't think I can ever get in that think again. Have fun and can't wait to see more.

  11. I love all your sweet family pictures and it looks like you are having a wonderful time. Hope the HEAT doesn't get you! xo Diana

  12. We did some of the same things on our way home from Chicago last trip. I'm writing down some of the stops for next fall. We go back and forth taking BJ to Northwestern from Texas so we go through St. Loius and on up. Glad you guys had a fun mini vaca!

  13. Those arch elevators are the MOST TERRIFYING thing ever. LOL

  14. Roadtrips are so much fun! I didn't like the cramped quarters going up to the Arch either...but it was worth the trip.

  15. How fun! Looks like some wonderful memories were made!

  16. That elevator to the top would make anyone nervous!!!

    Gloria in Virginia


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