July 12, 2012

New Wheels...

Many of you had commented on my bike in my new blog header. It was a birthday gift in 2010 from my husband who got it here.  A few months ago I had been using that wicker bike basket with my knee scooter when I was recovering from foot surgery.  I'm pleased to report that I'm officially back to my regular exercise schedule which includes riding my bike again!! 
My running days are over and I still have swelling in my left foot that keeps in me "certain" forms of shoes, but no more pirate limp and I can actually keep pace with everyone when I'm walking. Physical therapy made a huge difference after being immobile for so many weeks following foot surgery.  I've already told Josie that when she grows up she should be a physical therapist.

Back to biking...Both girls recently got new bikes and I promised I'd share pictures. 
Emma's bike actually reminds me of the vintage Schwinn bike I had growing up although her bike colors are much prettier.

Josie's bike is equally snazzy.

We're still working on the training wheels part of bike riding with Josie.

Our weekend plans don't include biking, but they do involve a great deal of car travel and walking.  Stay cool everyone.


  1. I love those vintage bikes! We have lots of state trails in the paved railroad beds; great riding and no stops for intersections. You can ride forever in 1% upgrade, easy peasey!

    Happy Weekend!


  2. Oh- I LOVE your bike. I am so glad that you have healed so well. It's okay to not run anymore as long as you can find some other form of exercise that makes you feel good.

    Love your girls bikes, too! xo Diana

  3. Great bike. I have the choice of two bikes. The old beach cruiser I got when I was a sophomore in high school in Southern Calif (1980) or my aunt's old Schwinn that hung in my grandfather's attic my entire life until he passed away. (1950s). I do hang onto stuff...
    happy riding!

  4. What fun and what adorable bikes (and bikers)!
    I am so glad you are able to do so much more in spite of a swollen foot!
    Hopefully, that gets better and better!

  5. The bikes are terrific!! Love the colors on your girl's bikes, and yours isn't too bad either! I bought myself a vintage beach cruiser at a garage sale, and I love it.!!


  6. both bikes are cool! I too had a bike like Emmas when I was a kid... I WON it at a rochester AMerks Hockey game. my grandmother had given us all tickets to a game for christmas one year and then I won the bike when we went! I was so thrilled and I Loved that bike. so traveling plans for you this weekend? Have a great time.

  7. I'm glad to hear you're doing so well - you've had a long recovery! Having that bike to ride would be great motivation.

  8. LOVE your bikes -- they are so cool and pretty!! I have a bike basket just like that!

    Have a fun weekend!!


  9. The bikes are cute, love the vintage look! I'm glad you're foot is healing. I'm sure you're glad that chapter is over with! Have a great weekend.

  10. I was just wandering about you and that hoof. Poor thing. I have such feet issues myself. So glad you are feeling better and who wouldn't want to ride such a great bike? Those are all so beautiful...best to you all...smiles...Renee

  11. FUN FUN FUN... 1st thing I want to buy before I move to Cali is a bike like that.. Love it.. Hugz...

  12. Your bike is very cute sitting there in front of those pretty flowers, but I'm so glad that you're now able to get on it and pedal away!
    Happy Weekend!

  13. Love the new bikes. Have a great weekend, where ever your travels take you!

  14. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE vintage bikes!!! They are SO COOL!! :)

  15. I've been meaning to tell you how much I love your new header. Your bike is absolutely adorable. I need one of those!! lol!

  16. Che belle le vostre biciclette, Kim!
    E che invidia dei vostri sentieri percorribili (in italiano si chiamano "piste ciclabili"), qui da noi sono rarissime, solo qualcuna in qualche grande città (soprattutto Milano, Torino e Bologna), ma nel resto d'Italia andare in bicicletta è un'impresa molto rischiosa!!!!

  17. Great to hear that you have made such good progress! Have a wonderful week-end!

  18. Love the sweet bike!! So glad you are out riding again, and your foot is so much better!! Yay!! Happy riding, and have a beautiful weekend! xo Heather

  19. I love your bikes! The new ones have such great colors! Looks like fun at your house and I'm glad you are able to take part! Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  20. It's nice that you can all bike together!! Yes, Physical Therapy is a great career. I have a couple of friends who do that and they LOVE their jobs.

  21. Love all of your bikes...what fun it will be to all go out together.

  22. You gals have the coolest bikes ever! Hope you have a great weekend!

  23. Very cute bikes for a very cute family! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.