August 27, 2012

Thursday night flea market finds...

We spent 11 hours in the car this weekend for an out-of-state family wedding. Whew. That's a lot of time away from home on a precious weekend. But, the wedding was beautiful even though it seemed terribly sad to not have my mother in law with us. It's going to be a hard going through holidays without some of our loved ones.

Thursday night we hit up an outdoor flea market across from the Century Antiques warehouse district in downtown Grand Rapids.  They have one more flea market this Thursday evening.

This doll bed had seen better days, but I couldn't pass up the price ($2) as I was completely smitten with the decals.

It's missing one of the sides to the bed, so I decided to use it as storage for some of my favorite vintage sewing cards and puzzles.

It's also being used as a place to display my metal dollhouse.

I also picked up this toy musical radio.  It wasn't working, but Chris took it apart and now it plays music and the picture spins as the music plays.  It was also $2.

Last but not least, I fell in love with this pitcher/glass set.

I don't need any more pitchers or glasses, but I simply couldn't resist.

I might be a bit "missing-in-action" this week on your blogs.  It's the start of the new semester at my "big-girl" job.  Have a fun week ahead.  I'm already dreaming of Labor day weekend. 


  1. Such amazing well priced finds, I really can't believe that doll bed was two dollars, I love how you have used it for display.
    Have a great week Kim, I hope the new routines go smoothly.

  2. Wow, you really scored! That pitcher and glasses are just beautiful. I wouldn't have been able to leave those either!

    Holidays without our loved ones are so hard, especially the first one. I always make a recipe that my Grandmother made and wear my Great Aunts crystal necklace and my mother's ring to all special events. It keeps them close for me...

    I can hardly wait for next weekend! An extra day off! Hooray!


  3. Oh, what great finds!! Love the crib, the radio and the glasses and pitchers! Oh well, I guess that's everything!!!


  4. Sounds like a crazy nice weekend. I love the little radio and the pitcher and glasses-lovely. So glad you didn't pass on them. Have a good week!

  5. A flea market at night? Gosh I would LOVE that, instead of getting up at 5AM to hit the one over here! I'm crazy about that little radio and that pitcher and glasses set. And did you know that there are only 64 days 'til Halloween? Yay!

  6. I have to live vicariously through you! Right now, I'm trying to focus on getting rid of what we have before bringing in more! I LOVE that musical box!!
    Come check out my redecorated art room!
    Oh geez, kids are arguing.....only a week left of summer and it's back to school. Got a tissue?! haha!

  7. I would have not been able to leave the pitcher and glasses behind, either! We always seem to find room for those things we absolutely don't need.:)

    xo Nellie

  8. What great finds, Kim! Love that adorable little bed! The flea markets here are nothing more than a bunch of over priced junque! Sounds like you had a busy weekend. And you are right, the first year of losing a loved one is especially hard. Sending you hugs!

  9. Decals were the theme of the day! All your finds were wonderful, but I think I am in love with the glassware set.

  10. Seriously, someone needs to set up a business to get those goodies to us out west AT REASONABLE PRICES! I can only find those kind of goodies online but then I end up paying an inflated price on top of outrageous shipping costs. I live in a retirement state and most all retirees dump their goodies before moving out here. I don't want to move either, so get the word out that reasonable priced antiques are needed out here.....;o)


  11. Holy Cow!!! $2 for each of those?? I would have been jumping up and down, although I certainly have no shortage of doll beds...! Lucky girl you are!

  12. Oh, vintage toys are the cutest. I love the whimsical design.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  13. 2 bucks for the crib? ZOINKS!
    love those decals.

  14. Great finds! Both are the perfect addition to your home!

    Hope you have a great week!

  15. Score on that crib Kim!! Too cute!
    Love the radio too! Isn't it wonderful to have a handy hubby?


  16. Very sweet Halloween decor in your doll house! The muscial radio is darling! You have a handy hubby! Nice finds.
    Thank you for your kind comment about my BFF!

  17. What sweet finds!! Love the doll bed and radio! xo Heather

  18. Kim, I always keep my eyes open now when I am in antique shops for Asian items because of your sweet daughter. I bet we all do now! Such a clever use of a dolls bed. All your Halloween decorations inside the previous post are just wonderful. Fun is always found when visiting here! Elizabeth

  19. Lucky duck!
    So adorable!
    I would've snatched those things up too!
    Hope work goes well, you have more great finds, your family is happy and all your sweet hearts are comforted!
    Take Care!

  20. WOE! That beverage set is the cat's meow! Looks like Lemonade Party time in the tree house!

  21. Kim,
    How adorable!!What great finds!!

    And you know that i just love that doll house!!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.