August 16, 2012

Treasured banners and treasured friendships...

Two of my favorite bloggers sent me friendship banners. They are now hanging proudly on my craft room door above my vintage Valentine card covered apron. 

 Thank you Tammy (Tammy's in Love).  Your banner and all the extra special goodies are so sweet and much appreciated.

Meri (ImagiMeri's) you spoiled me silly with so many fabulous vintage cards and fun crafting treasures!

Blogging friendships are so treasured and much appreciated.   Here's a peek of friendship banners that I've sent.  I'm sure you're not surprised to see vintage doll clothes. 

Have a thrifty crafty weekend friends.  I'm definitely ready for some "play time" this weekend.  My University job is feeling a little chaotic and my craft room is calling me.


  1. How adorable! What thoughtful gifts, they are so "you"!!!

  2. Each of your photos on this post were eye candy to Me.So darling-everything!

  3. You can't go wrong with a red door to your craft room! Thanks for being my friend!


  4. What wonderful banners~ especially yours with the vintage doll clothes!
    Found out while visiting 29th Street Antiques today that they have an online coupon for ten percent off total purchase! Only bought be small but am pempted to go back for something I am smitten with...but need to save because...I am gong to Allegan this month! Hurray!
    Have a crafty, fun and relaxing weekend!

  5. So beautiful they are!! What treasures,and bloggy friends are the best!! xo Heather

  6. What lovely friendship banners!! There are some very clever people out in blogland aren't there?


  7. Cute banners! Bloggy friends are the best! You gals are sooo creative!

  8. How sweet! Blog buddies really do give the best gifts! I love it!

  9. Those banners are just adorable! I love the idea of displaying them of an apron! How come I can never think of anything cool like that???

    p.s. I think you may have started something by sending me the doll furniture.....I've been pulling out all the ones I had in storage..I think I see a new hobby on the horizon!



  10. Kim, I have a smile from ear to ear this morning to see your wonderful banners from blogging friends. I love your new header, I always look forward to them.
    When my children were little they too had their own special place in the woods behind our home much like your children. To this day they will tell other people how special their childhood was because of their own special place. Your girls will as well! E

  11. I'm so honored to be displayed there sweetie. I'm still workin on my display, but I hope to post about it by next week. I've still got 6 banners to send out....yikes!

    Love ya'

  12. I did not know about friendship banners, both the ones you received and created are marvelous ! You always a special touch for display ! My sister is using your apron display technique for a bridal shower we are hosting.

  13. Kim, I LOVE the little doll dresses on your banners- such a cute idea!

  14. Sweet treasures!
    I hope you have your fill of time in your room!

  15. I love your banners. They are just so cute.

  16. Something is happening in my reader again...I am missing too many blogs. These are so cute. I love them...smiles...Renee

  17. Kim,
    How delightful and so colorful which you know I just love!!


  18. Cute and thoughtful gifts. Hope things don't get too crazy at your big girl jib!

  19. You have the craftiest friends! Very cute stuff. Hope you had a relaxing time in the craft room this weekend.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.