September 25, 2012

A Kim K. Halloween Give-away!

I'm ready to share a few of my favorite Kim K. Halloween crafting projects with my blogging friends.
Goodies include:
 a vintage apron with a candy corn pin.

A mini witch hat, a glittered mini Halloween house, and a mini shadowbox made from a candy box lid.

A Halloween inspired scrabble holder.
A tiny pail filled with Halloween cats.

A Halloween bracelet and a Family Fun Halloween Treats book.

And last but not least, Halloween spider candles.
So many Halloween goodies, just waiting to go to a good home!

In order to be entered in the giveaway:
* Leave me a comment on this blog post. Period. That's it. Absolutely no strings attached.
* Entries close at 6:00pm EST Sunday, September 30th.
* Winner will be picked randomly by one of my two girls (whoever happens to be home and eager to be my assistant). I might even thrown in a few surprise Halloween goodies too.

Good luck and Happy Halloween!



  1. Good Morning Kimmie! Youve been busy again havent you!? I'm getting ready to do a giveaway too. but first I need to get my witches hats in the mail. then I can concentrate on that.
    I hope you have a great day!
    today is court day and then I have homevisits galore! oh lucky me!
    happy day!

  2. Love your blog,what incredible talents you have. A prize or two would sure cheer us up right now. We just lost my children's dad. While the children are grown and we were not together,it is still so very sad.
    God bless,

  3. My goodness you have the best giveaways! What awesome Halloween goodies!

    I "think" I have finished my Halloween crafting and decorating. I am moving on to Christmas now!



  4. So super cute...the girls must be excited about getting out all the goodies with Chris. I look forward to seeing all the set up...smiles...Renee

  5. Well as much as I've almost moved on from Halloween already, I'd still love to win this, so count me in darlin'

    Big Hugs, to all of you,

  6. You are too much! I wish I had your energy and eye for making great thhhings! I might get some of my Halloween tubs out today.
    Have a great week!

  7. I thought I was done with Halloween crafting...and then I went to the circus and thought...mmm, a haunted circus tent! Thank you for all the fun! =D

  8. Kim,
    I just decided to pop over and visit you and see what you have been up to, and lucky me, there is a giveaway! What perfect timing! I always love seeing your latest posts because you have such fun things going on all the time. I love Halloween and really enjoyed looking at all the stuff you have. I am still not finished decorating and am not happy about it, I need to step it up, gosh it's almost October! I usually am done early September!!! I'm really a slacker this year!!!!!! If I ever finish I'll post about my Halloween decor. Hope you are well and happy, and I'll be back soon.
    Hugs and blessings,

  9. Love your giveaways!! What fun goodies...

  10. You always find the best things to share! I would be thrilled to have some fun holiday treats! I need one of those bracelets for sure! Did you make it or one of the girls? thanks! Happy Fall!

  11. So adorable.... love this season!
    Enjoy your day!

  12. Kim, I always look forward to your giveaways the most, because they're always filled with your handmade goodies! Please throw my name in the witch hat!
    Have a great day!

  13. So many fun things...makes me so excited for Halloween!!


  14. Trick or Treat!!!! I love those goodies and must get some advice if you made the candy corn pin! I have candy corn earrings (post) that I bought in Calgary in 98 that I love to wear in the fall. I'd love to make a pin! Paper clay??


  15. Thank you for the chance to win such cute creations! I don't know how you come up with all of the good ideas. We will probably get out our Halloween decor next week and it would be great to have new additions.

  16. You have certainly been busy, Kim! I am still in "apple season," but those pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns are sure to surface next week! Winning this giveaway would certainly be a huge help.:)

    xo Nellie

  17. What a great Halloween giveaway! Halloween is one of my favourite holidays. The vintage apron would go perfectly with my collection!
    Happy Hauntings!
    PS -KJ is my sister she got me onto your blog!

  18. Wow Kim! That's a lot of Halloween goodness! And it looks like you made lots of it!
    Hope you're having a great week, and thanks for such a generous giveaway!
    Erica :)

  19. Very nice giveaway, Kim!
    However, since you just sent me some sweet Halloween treasures, don't enter my name...I just had to come over and say HI.

  20. How cute!!! Halloween is my favorite holiday. You give me such inspiration!!

  21. Wow!! What a treasure of Halloween treats!! No tricks in this giveaway!!


  22. Such a sweet giveaway Kim!! Love all these Halloween goodies! xo Heather

  23. Holy cow! You have been busy! So many cute Halloween items!

  24. Your creations are awesome - and inspiring! How generous to be giving some away. Keep up the good work!

  25. Kim, You inspire us all with your wonderful holiday decorations and ideas. It is such fun to see what is next in your imagination. Can't wait! Elizabeth

  26. Kim, I would love to win your giveaway! Anything by you is great! Thanks for a chance to win these Halloween goodies!

  27. I love the pail filled with halloween cats!

    brittany k
    littleassemblyrequired at gmail dot com

  28. Oooooo! Pick me! Pick me!! Your talents inspire me.

    Sherry F.

  29. So much fun!
    LOVE all the Halloween goodies!
    So Cute!

  30. Kim, I love your Halloween goodies. ALso loved the dollhouse post. I'm still catching up. Love you H. Banner. You have been a busy girl!

  31. I love love love your blog. I save it for my last feed to read, since I love to take my time and look at each little item and detail in your pictures. This Halloween giveaway is super cute. Your girls are lucky to have a dollhouse mom- I had a dollhouse aunt and now my daughter had a dollhouse mom- one can never have too many dollhouses. :)

  32. Kim I love all your Halloween Goodies!!! I think everything your craft is wonderful!!!

  33. Hi Kim-I have been a little swamped with back to school and a disability awareness weekend I am planning this weekend-we are even having a fashion show with the kids as the stars. I am missing my blog time and can't believe I almost missed your super giveaway. Count me in!

  34. Hello! I would love to win your fun Halloween giveaway! I just started a few years ago decorating for Halloween when my grandson was born. I don't know why I didn't really decorate for Halloween before... but now I love finding cute things to decorate the entire house for EVERY holiday!

    Thanks Kim!

  35. Kim, Thank you for having such a wonderful giveaway!! It is just so full of fun!! Your daughters must be so excited for Halloween to be coming up!!

  36. Love reading your blog and really enjoy all the cute ideas you have!
    Both your daughters are adorable too!

  37. Hi Kim,
    I'm a recent follower of your site, it's fun to see what others are doing. Chris

  38. I always enjoy your great blog but I especially love your holiday posts! You are so creative!! You inspire me to get out all of my great decorations and have fun!! Thanks for sharing your talents and your beautiful family with us!! ms nj

  39. Looks like it's getting to be that favorite time of year again in the Kenward household! I miss coming to the house and seeing all the Halloween decor.


  40. I really enjoy your blog. Your Halloween decor is always amazing. You definitely have great ideas. Thanks for an opportunity to win your give-away.
    Mary B. in Okla.

  41. I am thrilled to have found my way to your blog via Renee at My Vintage Mending. I've noticed we follow many of the same bloggers AND that we both live in Michigan! I am constantly reminded of what a small world we live in.
    Halloween happens to be one of my favorite holidays and I have just begun to decorate in preparation for our annual Halloween party!
    looking forward to getting to know you!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.