October 15, 2012

Halloween window candles...

I stopped at an estate sale on Saturday. It was 3:30pm and it closed at 4pm. I didn't expect any vintage Christmas to still be available, but I did manage to fill up a box at 50% off, including an assortment of candle window lights.
I then contacted Laurie (Magpie Ethel) and asked if she'd be willing to share her Halloween embellished candle photos with me. She's such a sweetheart. In between loads of laundry Sunday afternoon, I embellished a few candles.   Here's what I came up with...

I spent Sunday afternoon covered in white glue and glitter and couldn't have been happier.  Why do the weekends go by so fast?  I really do like my big girl job, but I could easily find more excuses to keep playing rather than go into work.  Happy Monday!


  1. They really turned out cute! Love the orange glitter drips:@)

  2. squealing here! How freaken awesome those are. funny that when I was cleaning my room the other day I found an old single window candle with the plastic base behind my bed! how it got there I do not know! anyways.. hmmmm... inspiration. I had just resigned myself to the fact that I had to go to work. now I want to stay home and play. oh well, putting the candle on my craft table so I dont forget!
    have a great day Kimmie!

  3. I love what you did with the candles!! I've been thinking of doing something similar to those battery-operated candles for teacher gifts for Christmas...

  4. Oh my! I said I was finished with Halloween crafts but I may just have to make some of those! They are wonderful!



  5. Kim, those candles are adorable. I just passed on a few of those at a garage sale and now I'm kicking myself. I love them.

  6. What a great idea! And so lucky to get so many candles at such a great price! I truly am inspired by all of the amazing Halloween decorations I see on blogs!!


  7. Wow -- so cute!! You are the craft queen I think! :)

    Happy Monday!!

  8. I'm done with Halloween, I'm done with Halloween.......oh crap, now I wanna make some of those!

    As usual, they are amazing pretty lady.


  9. You and Laurie are CLEVER girls! I would have walked right past those candles! Absolutely fun with the dripping glitter, Love! Love! Love!

  10. Oh, they are so neat! Loved how they came out! Happy Monday! xo Heather

  11. I LOVE IT! I have several of those 5-candle ones, and I can't decide whether to spraypaint them black or just embellish them with black accessories and use orange bulbs. I'm thinking of making some of them Easter-y too. Oh, the possibilities are endless!

  12. So cute!
    What a fun idea!
    You are the luckiest finder!

  13. Glad I could provide some inspiration and yours turned out great! Nothing better than being covered in glitter after some crafting....

  14. Your candles look terrifically SpOoKy!
    Great idea~Thanks for sharing!

  15. I am receiving many ideas from you . . . thank you!

  16. Kim,
    These are awesome!!! I would never have thought to make them for another holiday....I need to think outside the box more! I will need to make some for next year....:) Sandy

  17. OH WOW! These are soooo good Kim!
    I have lots of these vintage candles, and I packed away a bunch of them with orange bulbs into my Halloween decorations. I never thought about embellishing them. I'll for sure be doing this.
    Thank you for showing us!
    Erica :)

  18. Embellished candles, so clever! Crafty weekends are the best aren't they? Have a great week!

  19. Very fun! I also need to think outside of the "box"~

  20. Wow! Great find! Those turned out sooo cute!

  21. You have the most amazing Halloween decorations I have ever seen! Fun to watch you having fun with them. :)

  22. I really enjoy your blog but have never commented. Your Halloween decorations are so much fun! They inspire me to make my own. Thanks for always sharing!
    Mary B.

  23. Kim,

    Love this idea!! They came out great!! I , on the other hand, hate my big girl job and would LOVE to be able to stay home and play!! It was a killer to go back to work after 16 days off....


  24. Kim, I love these! What a great idea!! I had never thought to paint these guys for Halloween. I gave some away several years ago.
    :( Laurie is a sweetheart! Looks like you had fun!!


  25. Kim, I love these! What a great idea!! I had never thought to paint these guys for Halloween. I gave some away several years ago.
    :( Laurie is a sweetheart! Looks like you had fun!!


  26. I love the way those turned out! My favorite is the orange glitter drips...I love the way you use glitter, it always turns out so great!

  27. I totally forgot that I had bought some of those candles last year. I need to dig them out and doll them up a bit. Yours look great!

  28. Your "big girl" job- I love it! That's exactly how I'd describe my Mon-Fri doings. I wish we had four days on and three days "off:" that would give me just enough time to take care of the job, housework, chores, groceries, AND leave enough "me" time down in the crafty nook!

    Think we'd make any headway if we put it up for a vote?



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.