October 5, 2012

Homecoming weekend...

This weekend is homecoming and "fingers crossed" that we stay dry (even though it's suppose to be windy and chilly) so that Emma's Varsity band can perform at half time.

Emma and her friends are attending the homecoming dance Saturday night and we've had fun playing dress-up and having our college niece practice on Emma's hair.

Her girlfriends are coming over to our house Saturday late afternoon for pictures before they leave for dinner and the dance.  They'll all be coming back for a sleepover, so Josie will be thrilled to see everyone when she gets up in the morning.  I don't think the weather is going to be on our side, but we're hoping for a fun photo-shoot in our woods and treehouse.   Chris snapped a few pictures of Josie on the treehouse deck last night.  

Such beautiful fall colors right now.

Happy Friday, everyone!!


  1. Happy homecoming! I hope the weather stays dry for the celebrations. . Emma's dress and hair are lovely, so grown up! And such a sweet fall photo of Josie.

  2. Nothing says Fall like a homecoming football game! Emma looks gorgeous!! Love the strappy shoes! With 5 girls we dressed up for many a homecoming dance....miss those days! Love the picture of Josie! Have fun!!


  3. have fun with all those beautiful girls! I used to love when the girls (and even the boys) had sleep overs! I used to find out soooo much stuff!
    have a great weekend!

  4. What a beautiful young lady. Hoping the weather stays dry. Josie picture is just adorable!

  5. Emma looks beautiful-love the toes! Great pic of Josie-that smile. Hope the weather holds out. Happy Homecoming!

  6. Wow, your Fall foliage is looking amazing! I wish ours would come along, it's a little slow this year.
    Emma looks beautiful, and I love the picture of Josie!

  7. Emma is looking so grown up! I hope the weather cooperates for the game, and that everyone has a good time at the dance. I'm not sure I could manage to stay awake that late these days.:) xo Nellie

  8. Happy Homecoming to Emma! She looks so lovely in her young lady attire!

    There is a special package coming your way...I hope that it makes it without any damage. Just a little treat for your treehouse. It's has nothing to do with the season

    Chris is official. He will take office on Nov. 1. We are so excited. There are more changes coming with the Whaleys, too.
    Homecoming hugs,
    PS--Our homecoming is today at my high school!!!

  9. Emma looks stunning! Is she wearing the ballet flats or the sandals? I always enjoyed when my oldest daughter went to all these events. Her dad would buy her an expensive dress (I certainly couldn't afford it)and I would provide the food and music for all the girls getting ready. My youngest, who is a junior this year, was totally into all the same things in her freshman year, but hasn't done anything this year. Maybe I'll get to witness it all again for her senior year....fingers crossed!

    Beautiful piccy of Josie....she's so stinkin' cute.

    Love ya

  10. OMG. My perfect Princess is growing up. Brought tears to my eyes to see how beautiful you look. I am so very proud of the young Lady you are becoming. I hope you have a very memorable evening with all of your friends. Cherish it. Take lots of pictures. :) Send me some goofy ones too!
    Love you so very very much
    Aunt Shelly

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Emma è radiosa e splendida nella sua mise da sera e Josie è..... perfettamente in parte con i colori dell'autunno!

  13. Oh my, I miss these:days. Emma looks so pretty in her "up do", colorful toes and dress. Enjoy the sleep over . . . I can see Josie now in all her morning energy and glee!

  14. Miss Emma has grown up so fast! She looks beautiful!
    Love Miss Josie in the tree!

  15. I sure hope the weather holds out. What a fun filled fall weekend for your family. You will have to share more tree house pics. with those beautiful fall leaves. Josie's photo is adorable.

  16. So pretty Emma is!! Have a wonderful Homecoming weekend! xo Heather

  17. How exciting! Happy Homecoming weekend! I hope the weather cooperates for you!

  18. Wasn't Emma a newborn just yesterday. What the heck!?
    Enjoy it all. :-) Sherry f.

  19. Her dress is gorgeous. And Josie looks pretty darn cute too!

  20. Love the hair and the dress. Looking so grown up.



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