November 26, 2012

My latest addictions...shadowboxes

Over a month ago, Meri from ImagiMeri's Creations sent me a generous package filled with all sorts of supplies to construct  a very special Asian-themed shadow box.  The shadow box is a cigar box.  Pure genius.

Also included in my special package were salt and pepper shakers, originally owned by her grandparents.  I promised to take good care of them.

Because of Meri, I've become addicted to making shadow boxes out of cigar boxes.

The frames that cover the cigar boxes, are from the Dollar Tree.  Painted white and coated in glitter, they become the perfect covering.

Over Thanksgiving break, I gave my sister and mom their own special Christmas-themed shadowboxes.  My sister has two boys and I thought she'd appreciate the two little drummer boys ornaments.

My mother received a shadowbox filled with sweet little mice.

Two girls and two boys, each representing a special grandchild.  They are perched on top of presents and glittery poms poms.

 I even made one for myself filled with all sorts of vintage goodies.

Thank you for the inspiration, Meri.  Looks like I'll be collecting cigar boxes now.


  1. oh my goodness.. your asian themed box is just awesome. I love it! How sweet of Meri to send you such sweet goodies. Arent our friends in blogland wonderful?
    Did you get to see the graphics 45 asian themed papers yet? they make me think of you every time I see them.
    OK.. off to make some tea.. look at a couple more blogs and then to the sewing machine! More bears...
    have a great day

  2. Cute! I've never made one but I want too! I will soon be just a few blocks from the Dollar Tree! Oh dear! I sign on my house tomorrow! Eeeks! ♥

    PS- Love how you put your doll house in your header.

  3. Your shadow boxes are so special!! I'm sure your mom and sister loved their gift!!

    Happy Monday!!


  4. Oh Kim, it turned out so amazing! Check you out, you're bonkers on shadowboxes now....tee hee. May you have many more hours of crafting fun. I will be expecting to see more...LOL

    Love ya'

  5. Those are the cutest. I think I'll be collecting cigar boxes-that's genious with the frame. So creative -love the one with the salt and peppers! Your Mom and sis will love them!

  6. WOW - my hubby has been collecting wooden cigar boxes for a few years and they are threatening to overtake the house - wondering if we can combine my love of knick knacks and those boxes for some art? Thank you once again for great inspiration. Your shadow boxes are darling.

  7. Kim, this is one of my favorite projects yet! Your shadowboxes are beyond cute, and filled with so many wonderful and meaningful treasures! I love your idea of painting the frame and then glittering it (be still my heart!). I wondered where you managed to find such gorgeous shadowboxes, who knew cigar boxes and Dollar Tree frames could be so beautiful! Oh, and I love those darling little mice:)

  8. Very cute, Kim~I am sure your Mom and Sister loved their gifts!
    Have a great week!

  9. These are so beautiful and creative!! Love the mice! Too cute!! Happy Monday!! xo Heather

  10. You are so clever!
    So very sweet!
    What a great idea!

  11. You were certainly a "busy little bee" during Thanksgiving, Kim! You have so much creativity inside you! xo Nellie

  12. Oh man...I love sweet is that China doll. Hm..if only I had you to share a craft room with I would never leave. Smiles..Renee

  13. Another crafting easily they after another. The boxes are darling!

  14. Love that idea and your new banner too! The little mice are so cute!
    I need more time in my day to craft!
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. I love, love, love this concept. I have several cigar boxes that I have saved as souvenirs from Cuba vacations. Perfect use for them, they are darling, and love how you glammed up a dollar store frame ! you would never know!

  16. Hi Kim-How perfect are those little frames you found at Dollar Tree! They were made for those cigar boxes. I love the fact that you matched the figures to family members-such a nice touch. I'm glad you liked the little pillow I rescued from the thrift shop. Have a great week.

  17. That looks like such fun. I'm sure I would have a ball making one, too. I love the little pixie... that's my favorite! How sweet of Meri to send you goodies!

  18. Your chadow boxes are super cute! I especially love those marching band boys! :-)

  19. Thanks for the idea Kim and Meri. I have some old christmas ornaments that I couldn't figure out what to do with them.
    Chris =]

  20. I have made a couple of them too! Except I wasn't creative enough to think of using a cigar box and a frame. I bought mine from Michael's! I love yours! Cute as ever!



  21. So, so cute! I love them! And what great vintage holiday things you've found to put in them! I've found almost nothing in the vintage Christmas arena this year- my thrift shops are disappointing me!!

  22. What sweet little shadow boxes. I just love the Asian themed box. I haven't seen one like it.
    Thanks for creating and sharing.
    Sampson and Lorrie

  23. Those ARE pure genius! I do love me some shadow boxes!

  24. Your shadowboxes are so cute! I love how you have glittered the frames. I think I may have to make a shadowbox now!

  25. These are so adorable. I would have never thought of doing this with an old cigar box.

  26. I can totally see how this could become a major addiction! Such a brilliant idea to use a cigar box and dollar store frames, and a good reason to collect all kinds of smalls to put in them. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me, Kim!

  27. Oh my goodness, I am absolutely in love with those little mice! I simply MUST find some for our home as well :)

  28. What a cute idea to use a cigar box and picture frame to make a shadow box. Awesome! Where do you come by cigars boxes these days???? I'd like to try this clever craft!!!
    Hugs, Sandie

  29. Kim,
    These are adorable! I love what you did with the frames... I am adding these to my Christmas inspiration List....


  30. Seriously! This ROCKS! I have so many cigar boxes that I haven't figured out what to do with. I guess now I have my answer.
    The mice and the drummer boys are so special!
    Thank You Kim!
    Erica :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.