December 11, 2012

A vintage-inspired Christmas give-away!

I was going to post this Kim K. Christmas shadowbox later this week, but when I double-checked the calendar, I decided that it needed to be done right away so that there's still time to enjoy it before Christmas.

In order to be entered in the giveaway:
* Leave me a comment on this blog post. Period. That's it. Absolutely no strings attached.
*I would love for you all to become followers, but there's absolutely no pressure. This is a giveaway for the pure joy of giving back to my blogging friends!

* Entries close at 8:00pm EST Thursday, December 13th.
* Winner will be picked randomly by one of my two girls (whoever happens to be home and eager to be my assistant).

I'm definitely planning on adding a few more Christmas vintage goodies to the package too.
Good luck and Merry Christmas!

Linking with:  It's a Very Cherry World Rednesday!



  1. good morning Kim! how cute your shadow box is! Have you received you box of ornies from the swap yet? Omg.. they are all so awesome. I think one of my favorite ever swaps. I just love looking at them!
    have a great day!

  2. Kim, I'm a follower anyway, and I woiuld so LOVE, LOVE, to win this! It is so cute, cute, cute!!! And, on a side note, I never win anything, boo! hoo!

  3. Good morning Kim what a pretty little shadow box. It would look so at home at my house! Tehe! So please put my name in the hat. Have a great day!

  4. This is so cute! You have the most adorable Christmas decorations!

  5. Kim, I really enjoy your blog and all your crafting ideas!

  6. A Vintage Shadow Box could live comfortably in my house. I have never done a giveaway . . . You are inspiring me . . .
    Thank you!

  7. OMG...this is adorable!! I love it and can promise to cherish it if I am so lucky to win.

  8. ohhhh so cute!!!!! you are amazing!!

  9. What a fantastic Christmas giveaway! Your shadow box is sooo sweet! Count me in!

  10. Adorable... I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas Kim!

  11. Oh my...another keeper...I love it. Smiles..Renee

  12. Absolutely adorable, as usual. How DO you find time to do it all!



  13. You always have the most fun giveaways! This is just adorable! Thank you and holiday hugs coming your way...enough for your whole bunch!

  14. Adorbs! I always love your crafting!

  15. Well count me in girlfriend. Now that I've created a shadowbox monster, I hope I can benefit from my actions. Everything you make is so dang cute.

    Love ya

  16. CUTE! My grands love Rudolph so I would love to win your shadow box! thanks for a chance! ♥

  17. This is ADORABLE! As a fellow lover of vintage Christmas, I would sure like to have this in my ever growing set up! I'm sure my 3 year old son would love it just as much as I do too...thank you for the chance to win!

  18. Oh My that shadow box. How sweet of you.......would love to win. (I already follow your lovely blog)

  19. What a sweet little shadow box...put my name in the drawing!!


  20. Please enter me in the give away! That is so dang cute! I LOVE it!!

  21. What a cute shadowbox. I really need to try and make one of these next year. I would love to be the lucky winner and it would fit in with my many Christmas decorations perfectly. Thank you for a great give-away.


  22. Kim this such a fun little Rudolph and Santa shadowbox/book with the cute polkadots and shimmery snow. Cute! DH loves Rudolph! But if it came to live at my house, I'm fairly certain that daughter would try to pack it in her suitcase and take it back to her place, to live with the red flocked deer she has snitched in the past. :-)

  23. Love your shadow box!!! You have such great ideas!!


  24. Hi Kim!
    This is so cute! I am just amazed at your vision when you look at an item and see cute things like this book! Thank you for having a give away, I always enjoy them! :)

    Sandy @ 521 Lake Street

  25. Okay- Well, I don't usually sign up for giveaways but I will sign up for this one. TOOO cute! xo Diana

  26. That is so darling!
    You are so crafty and creative!

  27. What a pleasure it would be for one of your girls to draw my name! That is a super cute shadow box! xo Nellie

  28. Kim, it's just adorable and I would love to be counted in!!!! Thank you!!

    Hugs, Sandie

  29. I'm always amazed at your creativity, Kim!

  30. You are so sweet to have this sweet Christmas giveaway! THANK YOU!

  31. Count me in, Kim! I would LOVE to tuck that shadowbox in amongst my Christmas decorations. It's adorable!

  32. So adorable Kim!! I would love a chance to win your cute creation!! Love it!! xo Heather

  33. Hello Kim,
    That is a sweet vintage style shadow box! I think I would love to see it arrive in my mailbox : )
    I have a giveaway too, and you have inspired me to change my guidelines.... I have no idea why I said "You only need be a follower", I must have seen it when I first joined Blogland, and never questioned it. When I read your comment about no rules, I realized, (duh!) that I feel the same way! So I am going to go and edit my post. I really am saying Thank You to my readers.
    Thank you for inspiring me, I really appreciate it.

  34. Adorable. I am glad you kept the rules simple with not alot of hoops to jump through...I am still playing catch up and too tired to jump through hoops....

  35. Kim, I always love to check your blog and see what you are up to. I love your dollhouses. I really love the shadow box. Santas are my favorite and I would love to own this precious box of yours.
    Mary B.

  36. As always, I love your blog and your great craft ideas. You and your family are great!! What a beautiful gift! Happy day!! Mary nj

  37. The cutest idea for a shadow box I have seen in a long time...who would have thought of it? You are so sweet and generous and I have enjoyed reading your posts over the past year. I can't believe how fast the time has flown!

  38. I'm just here to comment on how darn cute the shadow box is, since I was the lucky one to win your Halloween giveaway!
    You for sure have a talent for vintage style mixed media art, and someone is going to be so happy to win this!
    Erica :)

  39. Hi Kim, we have been following your blog for a while now....thank you for sharing all of your art works.... you are such an inspiration! We would love to win! ....but who wouldn't want to win one of your creations :) Michele and I would love to join the Christmas swap next year if you all will have us :)

  40. I love your blog you are so creative

  41. How creative and fun! Please enter me in your generous giveaway.
    Merry Christmas!!!

  42. I would love to win one of your charming creations! Thank you for the chance.

  43. Thats so sweet of you. Your shadow box is darling, please toss my name in your hat.

  44. The christmas shadow box is fantastic!! It reminds me that I need to make myself the cigar box shadow box! Say that 5 times fast.
    Chris =]

  45. By the way -
    MeRrY ChRiStMaS and HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!!!!!!!!!
    Chris =]

  46. I absolutely love this shadow box and everything you are creating with cigar boxs, but I would feel too greedy and not very Christmassy if I won another Kim K giveaway in 2012:)I am still enjoying my Easter giveaway, the apron is a fixture as is the carrot cross stitch!

  47. Lovely and generous giveaway :) and I am a follower-Thank you for the pleasure-Denise


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.