December 2, 2012

Estate sale rescues...

Back in August, my husband scooped up these 1950s plywood Christmas figurines at a local estate sale.  

He wasn't sure where we were going to display them, he just knew that at $25 for the entire set, they needed to be rescued.

On Saturday, Chris put on his thinking cap and found unique ways to display them around our house.

Secured with hooks and fishing line, the deer are flying over our front porch flower boxes.

With cathedral ceilings in the living room, we got creative with the rest of our fragile pieces. The choir boys and wreath are around our entertainment center.

The brittle sleigh is above our stairwell.  The snowflakes are suspended with fishing line and more ceiling hooks.  You might recognize this as the same place that our Halloween witch resides in October.

Yes.  Our house has turned into a department store holiday display!


  1. I like the sleigh over the stairwell it is so special I remember that we had one like that and it got ruined in all the weather so that will be better in the house. Tell Chris that he did a good job Love Aunt Marian

  2. What a great way to display some wonderful estate sale finds! Love, Love, the choir boys!


  3. I've been dreaming of a Department Store Christmas...just like the ones I used to know! Every time I find something still in the package from a store like Woolworths it takes me back to Christmas shopping in the city...which was Provo for me. I love those old guys are so creative!

  4. Ho Ho HOLY ESTATE SALE BATMAN, those are beyond awesome. If we are hanging greens at our house include me because I am green with envy.

  5. LOVe them all, but especially love the reindeer flying! and I love your hubby.. cant I please borrow him? mine is not a lover of christmas and decorating!
    happy sunday!

  6. I think you and your husband are a match for finding estate sale treasures. Where or where do you store it all!?
    The outdoor reindeer on the flower boxes . . . my favorite.

  7. The rescued things look so great in their new homes. Love the sleigh and snowflakes.The girls so so cute together in the last post. Can't believe it's so cold up there by you.

  8. Flying over the flower boxes! Perfect! I Must remember the fishing line trick.

  9. Wonderful! Perfect spots for all of them! My hubby wouldn't touch those with a ten foot pole- he'd think they should have gone in the trash! You're so lucky your husband appreciates their fabulousness!!!

  10. Wonderful find! I love how you displayed them, very creative! I have never seen anything like these.


  11. Don't you just love it, Kim? What a wonderful old display! I love that you rescued them (or your hubby did). Happy Sunday- xo Diana

  12. I wish my husband would rescue cool things like that!! Very creative display.
    Chris =]

  13. I love those estate sale finds, Kim! Such a marvelous touch during this season! xo Nellie

  14. I love those carollers!! Chris was spot on to rescue them. I adore how you displayed them!

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  16. Chris found the perfect place for each of them! Thank goodness that her rescued them, because they look beautiful in your home!
    Thank you for showing us!
    Erica :)

  17. They look wonderful~great job!
    Don't you love estate sales?! I went to a terrific one last week...wowie zowie!
    Have a good week! Hugs!

  18. NICE!!! It's nice that your hubby rescues treasures! Looks great!

  19. I love them...they look like they were meant to go there...smiles.Renee

  20. Wow, wow and double wow! Just fantastic.

  21. I was just at a local holiday sale at an antique mall and saw that same sleigh and reindeer (did not notice price tag). I have three smaller reindeer cutouts and a snowman which I just put in my studio window box...a cheery hello on the walk back to the studio

  22. Great finds! I especially love the deer!

    Hope you have a great week!

  23. I love how you guys have displayed these. What a fun find!

  24. Those are so great! I especially love the sleigh, it looks perfect there in that little nook.

  25. OMG, I am dying here! I LOVE it. I am so glad he rescued those. BTW, what floor is ladies hosiery on?


  26. All of it looks great! You (and your husband) find the best things!

  27. What beautiful vintage displays!! So neat, and they look right at home! ;) xo Heather

  28. Kim,
    These pieces are such treasures!! I remember seeing the choir boys in someone's home from my childhood. I can't remember whose but they sure do look familiar.....


  29. I bought the same three choir boys from s neighbor's yard sale. Does anyone know their origin or age or maker?

  30. When I was a little girl, we had the choir boys along with another piece that was a choir boy playing the pipe organ. It showed the back of the choir boy. Then it had canned music that was behind it. I "hid" from my family in plain sight one night posing as one of the choir boys. It took them a few minutes to spot me. It was one of the best family memories of Christmas!!!

  31. I was heart broken when I came home one day to find my husband had thrown away our set of Christmas choir boys because they were looking a little worn. I have never been able to find another set. Lucky you for nabbing these and at such a great price!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.