December 20, 2012

Holiday concerts...

We kicked off this week with Emma's holiday band concert.

 Although she insisted that she didn't like her concert band uniform, Chris and I think Emma looks awfully darling in her black dress.

Josie's 1st grade holiday music concert took place Wednesday night and she had the honor of "welcoming" the audience to the event.

Here is her 15 second greeting.

As usual, this month has totally sped by. How is it possible that there is less than a week left before Christmas?  Santa's helper is definitely not ready.  I can't wait to wrap up the work week and get this Christmas break started!!


  1. It should be mandatory that we get the week before christmas off with pay! next year, I just might take this week off.
    Youre daughters both look beautiful, as usual!
    I hope youre close to being ready. are you working on monday? Im working in the morning, but off in the afternoon. I am pretty much done with the shopping, just a few gift cards and a few more stocking stuffers left to get.. and groceries!
    I mailed you a little package yesterday.. hopefully it'll arrive before christmas
    have a great day my friend!

  2. I miss Holiday Concert Days! I love Emma's new hair cut, very stylish and cute. Josie's fifteen second moment of holiday concert fame was perfect!

    Enjoy these next days of the season . . . Merry Christmas to you and your family Kim.
    Love, Lynne

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  4. Your girls are darling!! I agree with Viv....the week off before would be great! Such a bummer it's the busiest time of year for me at work!


  5. Great job, Josie! Unfortunately, our elementary school doesn't do that sort of thing. We're pretty much done with cute concerts in preschool here. I look forward to the days when the kids are in the band, etc. like Emma, and we get to watch those performances!

  6. Your girls are just too darling for words. My youngest is in choir and constantly frets about whether she looks good on stage or not....girls!

    Merry Holidays pretty lady,

  7. Holiday concerts are the best! I think Emma looks darling too!

    Way to go, Josie!

    Hope you have a great day! We have a snow day here and I am the only one that has to leave the house. Boo hoo!

  8. We finally got a break with a snow day today...barely an inch but very windy. Finals will now be postponed to the first week of school...yeah. Working on some house projects....smiles..Renee

  9. great pictures of your beautiful girls! More memories made~now if we could just slow down time.

  10. Josie è adorabile ed Emma è splendida nel suo elegante abito nero!

  11. Boy- did she do a good job-speaking loud and clear. Your little "star". Your daughter BOTH look gorgeous. God bless you and your sweet family this whole Holiday season- xo Diana

  12. School concerts are the best! We still go to our childrens' high school for them. I was so excited to see your wine glass ornaments. I purchased everything to make them but couldn't find the glasses. Thanks for the Dollar store location. Wishing you a joyous Christmas Day! Elizabeth

  13. Love those Christmas concerts -- those girls look adorable!!

    Merry Merry Christmas!

  14. I remember very well attending those concerts! What a special time for all the family! Your girls are absolutely beautiful! Merry Christmas! xo Nellie

  15. Both girls look great. I love the little video of Josies introduction.

  16. So cute and both are growing up so much!

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