December 26, 2012

It was a very merry Christmas...

Did you all have a good Christmas?  I'm savoring every single moment of our remaining Christmas break.
Getting ready to attend Christmas eve mass
Christmas break always brings back so many wonderful memories of playing with my little sister, crafting with my mom and convincing dad to play board games with us.  We saw back on this post that Santa can be a very thrifty fellow and that he even frequents estate sales, but did you also know that he shops on ebay and IKEA for toys?
Thanks to ebay, Josie now has 15+ storybook record albums.

With a little contact cement and the help of Chris, Santa also turned an $8 IKEA table into a Lego table.

Josie is also the proud owner of a very kitschy camper and even has new owl family ready to visit her blue dollhouse.

Don't you love the the gingham curtains?  So darn cute.

Although big sister Emma isn't really into toys anymore, she's always very patient when it comes to playing   with Josie.   In case you're wondering what the teenager got for was all about the Kindle and clothes.
Yes.  It was a very merry Christmas.  



  1. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas, Kim! I am in love with that adorable retro trailer! Wish I still had my orange and pink Barbie Winnebago:) And who knew that Santa shopped at Ikea and Ebay and thrift shops? Glad to hear that he is one thrifty guy! The girls look so pretty in their Christmas finery!

  2. Kim- It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with your two sweet girls. I love that Santa gets around eBay! Josie is so cute with her camper! Love the Xmas Eve photo, too. Blessings and enjoy the day after! xo Diana

  3. Such cute girls. I have to have that owl family. Is it the Calico Critters? Adorable. Love love that retro camper too. Geez, how old am I, hah. Glad you had a nice holiday. We did too.

  4. What a wonderful Christmas! The girls are lovely in their Christmas Eve dress! Blessings to you and your family! xo Nellie

  5. Looks like you had a fun Christmas. That little camper is very festive. The owl family seems to be enjoying it!

  6. So glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! Beautiful photos, beautiful family! Hugs to you! p.s. i love the camper!!!

  7. Oh super cute pix of the girls at the doll house! And pink all over toys...precious. I got a Kindle too from the Young Airman~ Maybe I'll have to start emailing Emma to learn how to USE it! Happy Sale Shopping Musing Mama!

  8. It looks like a very great Christmas!
    I saw something like that camper at the toy store and thought it was adorable!
    What a great collection Miss Josie has!

  9. Looks like everyone had a good Christmas! I love your little village of putz houses :)


    The girls looks so lovely and so very happy with their Christmas treasures!!

    Can't beleive it is gone in what seems like the blink of an eye....


  11. Im glad you had a nice Christmas Kim. we did too, but I'm so tired today!
    enjoy your week off.. I head back tomorrow to work, but so grateful that I have off today!

  12. Looks like it was a good day for you and the family...enjoy the rest of Christmas break!

  13. Looks like you all had a very merry Christmas! Etsy and E-bay are such wonderful sources for gifts. The little camper is really cute.
    Our son taught us to play Settlers of Catan last night. That was fun. And we played Charades at the big family gathering two days before Christmas. It's a tradition to get everyone together for some sort of game or puzzle.

  14. Looks like a great CHristmas. The girls looks so cute. I think it's cool that Josey has the little record storybooks. Love the little camper.

  15. Lovely photos! that camper is so special. Looks like Emma is enjoying her kindle.
    We made an Ikea hack lego table too! Enjoy the rest of your holiday break!

  16. Santa is a great shopper...I think I would love a set of gingham curtains in my camper....smiles..Renee

  17. Cool Santa, stopping by eBay for gifts for Josie . . . How did he know??!!

  18. Looks like Santa did a pretty good job! Love the camper!!


  19. It looks like a great Christmas. That book, The Happy Man and his Dump truck was my favorite book as a child. I still have many happy memories of my grandfather sitting at the kitchen table reading that to me. I still have it and read it to Logan.

  20. It looks like you had such a great Christmas! Love, love, love your thrifty Santa! So much fun!

  21. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, I LOVE the lego table, what a great idea!
    Have a wonderful rest of your holiday break, I am loving this time :-)

  22. There's nothing like Christmas with children in the house. I miss it so much! I love Josie's new camper!



  23. It just looks perfect! You have the sweetest family and you make every day special. Enjoy this week and those precious girls! I would be jumping back and forth to 'play' with each one! Sweet hugs!

  24. That little camper is ADORABLE!!! And I love Josie's record player and record collection! My mother used to be a teacher, and she has tons of books w/cassette tapes. My kids love listening to them when we go to her house.

  25. Haven't been blog hopping in forever! I just had to come by and check in on your beautiful family! LOVING all of your homemade goodness and Christmas gifts! We made a LEGO table too!

    BTW, Emma is looking so grown up--my goodness! I know you already know this. Just couldn't believe how grown up she is now! Our oldest is 14 now, and we have another teenager in the house too. Oh my!

    Really hope your New Year is equally blessed as the last! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.