December 4, 2012


Today is the 1 year anniversary of Chris's moms death.

 It's been a year of major changes and adjustments for our whole family.   Last year, during all our grief, we skipped our annual Christmas countdown blessings jar.  Although we miss Nana terribly, there have been a lot of good things to celebrate and so we all agreed that the countdown jar needs to be part of our Christmas tradition again.

Each night, we take  a turn removing a link from our paper chain. Then, we record what we are thankful for on the removed link and put the folded paper chain into our blessings jar. 

The blessings are kept secret from one another (aside from Josie who needs a little help with the writing part).  On New Year's eve, we read the blessings out loud and then later I type them up and save them with our photos.     Merry Christmas and blessings to your own family!


  1. So so sorry for your loss. I know it's been such a hard year. Am sure she would be thrilled with the countdown tradition continuing.



  2. I think we miss the ones weve lost the most at holiday time. this year has gone by so fast. it seems like you just lost her. I know shes smiling down at your beautiful family and counting your blessings with you!
    love the blessing jar idea. sometimes I wish I could go back to having little kids so I could do some of these things! but in another year or so, I'll do it with my grandpies!
    have a great day Kim.

  3. What a wonderful tradition! It is a blessing to remember the people we love this time of year even when our hearts are aching.

  4. I remember her passing last year. I'm glad you are able to start this tradition again this year. It is a beautiful way to preserve memories and be thankful. Great idea that you have shared.

  5. What a wonderful family tradition. Thinking of you all during this difficult time...Smiles..Renee

  6. The blessing jar is a beautiful tradition, Kim. It's so hard on the sad anniversaries-but try to remember all the good things about your dear MIL. She looked like such a fun Grandma!

  7. You miss those that have passed the most at holidays for sure. I like your blessing jar idea. You have some nice pictures of the girls and their Grammy.

  8. What a sweet wonderful idea. I am sure this will be a Christmas full of memories of Christmases past and that Nana will be there with you in spirit. Hugs and love to your whole family- xo Diana

  9. You are the best at creating memories for your kids.


  10. I like the blessing jar idea. I remember when she passed away last year. It's been a year of big changes for sure.

  11. A beautiful and special family tradition!! Sending you and your family hugs and love today! xo Heather

  12. Two mom's remembered . . . Love your Thank You Chain, wonderful idea!

  13. Kim, it IS hard at the holidays without those we love. Thank goodness for beautiful memories. The Blessing Jar idea is wonderful! What a nice tradition.

  14. Hugs to you, Kim. I know it's hard.
    I love the blessing chain idea. My kids used to make paper chains when they were little and didn't understand the passage of time very well... they'd know by how long the chain was, how close we were to Christmas. :-)

  15. I can't believe it's been a year since you lost your sweet mil. The first year is the hardest for sure. And holidays thereafter can be bittersweet. But I'm glad you are continuing your blessings jar tradition, what a great idea!! Sending you hugs:)

  16. What a wonderful tradition!

    It is easy to see that you have some wonderful memories with "Nana the Great." Sending along hugs to each of you on this day.

    xo Nellie

  17. Thinking about you today. This is a moving and beautiful post, your blessing jar is such a special tradition, I am sure Nan is somewhere smiling, perhaps in the shadows like Josie says. Blessings.

  18. What a sweet remembering post. Love your tradition too.

  19. What a wonderful family tradition. Even though my daughter is on her own I think we will start doing this each on our own then sharing our lists when she comes home to visit.
    Chris =]

  20. I love your tradition! I'm sure it helps the girls (and the adults!) to stay positive when things might be sad!

  21. I'm so sorry. I know the holidays bring such bittersweet memories of loved ones no longer with us. HUGS. I love your blessing jar idea and I just know Chris' mom would love that you are doing it again this year.

  22. What a wonderful tradition to have.

    The first year is always the hardest as you have to get through all events and holidays without your loved one for the first time. After this first year, it does get a bit easier.

    You need to just focus on your wonderful memories of a very special Lady.



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