January 20, 2013

Ice time!!

As hoped, Emma's friends had a wonderful time testing out our backyard ice rink Friday night. 

Earlier in the week, Chris picked up a hockey helmet for Josie at a used sports equipment store and then found two more on Saturday at a local estate sale where everything was 50% off.  The extra helmets will come in handy when Josie's little friends want to visit our ice rink.

Doesn't she make a cute hockey player!?!

Between you and me, we all feel a little safer with Josie wearing even MORE  protective gear on her head when she's skating.  

The arctic blast came roaring into Michigan Saturday evening.
With the cooler air temps, we're hoping for EVEN more lake effect snow Sunday night.

The girls (and myself) are having so much fun with our backyard ice rink.

Here's a short video of the progress that Josie and Emma have made with their ice skating abilities.  
Josie is a wild woman on the ice.  She has NO fear.

On Saturday, Chris built a zamboni out of  pvc piping, a yogi mat (cut to size) and it's hooked up to our water heater in our basement.   Here is  a picture of Chris putting a new layer of ice on our rink with our zamboni. 
Speaking of ice skating, when Elizabeth sent me this darling Valentine card, I knew I had to do something special with a copy of the image.

Cheers to winter fun!!


  1. First of all, I burst out laughing when I saw Josie's helmet. That is too cute. And when I saw the video I knew why she needed a heavy duty helmet! She's fearless on the ice. Chris sure is inventive. The zamboni is too cool!

  2. It looks like soooo much fun! Hubby is quite ingenious with zamboni creation. Love to see people enjoying winter fun, and yours is right in the backyard!

    Great Valentine Ice Skaters!

  3. Aren't you glad you can take lots of photos and even videos of the girls. You will cherish these for years to come! What fun you're having. I just got back from the park...with shorts and a tee shirt on! What a difference a few hundred miles make! Happy Sunday!

  4. What fun. It makes me jealous that all we have are cows in our backyard! The girls look adorable.

  5. I dont know God didnt make us neighbors! I want to come play and fall down on your ice!! its pretty cold here. I'm not usually cold, but I am today... that wind was brutal that we had, it seems to have died down a lot now. the house is a hundred years old and drafty!
    love the valentine ornie you made with Elizabeths image!
    One more day off... woohoo!!

  6. Josie is doing so well with her skating! Loved the little video and her turns!
    We are having frigid temperatures this week and I suspect you will too! Chris' Zamboni is perfect!
    PS I completely agree about head gear. I grew up skating on rinks without gear, but I don't think that was a good thing.

  7. Love the video of the rink and skaters! There's nothing as cute as a valentine with a little black haired girl!

  8. The girls are doing so well with their skating. Your husband amazes but coming up with new contraptions to help improve the skating rink.

  9. What a handy man you have! And what an adorable little hockey mask Josie has on...just adorable!

  10. You all sure know how to have fun even in the bitter cold!! Josie is a cuter and Emma and her friend s-- adorable!!

    Hope you have a good WEek!

  11. That video will always be treasured! I love what you did with the Valentine card you recieved from Elizabeth!

  12. How fun the ice rink looks. I think Chris is a genius for that Zamboni. The card from Elizabeth and the one you made from the image is just Valentine perfect!

  13. Your little pairs skater valentine is adorable. As is a toothless Josie in a helmet. So glad Emma and her friends had a fun skating party! You truly live in the happiest home in all of Michigan.

  14. What a fun weekend on the ice!! So neat to have your own ice rink. Love it!! Elizabeth's Valentine is so pretty!! xo Heather

  15. I can't say I really miss all that freezing cold weather (I'm from Maine), but the ice skating looks like fun! You know how to have fun outside! Josie is too cute!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  16. Kim,
    This rink is just one of the greatest ideas!!

    Joe would be loving these hockey players, you know!!



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