January 11, 2013

It happened again and more Target treasures!

The tooth fairy is staying extra busy at our house!

Happy Friday!  I'm sooooo looking forward to playing this weekend!  It has been the longest work/school week EVER!   Just in case you are out running errands this weekend, I noticed that Target has their miniature mailboxes back again in their $ bins. This year, they even have them in different colors.
Last year on this post, I provided a tutorial on how to transform them for Valentines.

I also noticed that Target has these heart-shaped wreaths back again too.
With strips of material and ribbon tied along the wreath frame you can give it an cute-makeover.
Get them while they're still around! PS.  I noticed the bakers twine and valentine trim bins were empty.   Target...if you're reading this...feel free to send a few gift cards my way!  I know my budget and husband would appreciate it!


  1. how cute she is!!
    happy friday girlfriend! lets just breeze through the day, then get home and relax and play the weekend away!
    Happy friday!

  2. Way to go, Josie! She looks soooo adorable!

    We were just at Target last night and spied both. Unfortunately, there was only one mailbox left and it was dented in so it looks like we are headed to another Target.

    Hope you have a great weekend. Happy crafting!

  3. I think your target is better stocked than ours...I hunted for the baker's twine, but alas...none!

    Though thank you for the heads up!

  4. Love that toothless grin -- adorable! Fun finds -- have a good weekend! It has been a long week!!

  5. Ok I guess I'm off to Target again to see if I can grab some Valentine goodies! Your little Miss Josie is pretty cute with those missing front teeth!! What a great smile!!


  6. Adorable toothless . . . those are some of the "best days!"
    Swimming in the skate rink this weekend?

  7. Oh, the tooth fairy is busy! How precious she is! And I have GOT to get to Target! I missed the baker's twine! GGGrrrrr!! Happy Friday!

  8. You are reading my mind. I was just checking up on people before I run out the door to Target. I'll be checking out the dollar bins for sure.

  9. Awww, what a cutie Josie is!
    I was at Tar-jay the other day and thought of you! I picked up some baker's twine, and a couple rolls of their cute felt heart trim that you told us about. Gee, I think Target should hire you as their national spokeswoman:) Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

  10. I was at Target this week and bought a mailbox...but missed the berry wreath. I read on a blog about heart shaped plates but those were no where to be found. Do I really need more stuff?! LOL

  11. That valentine wreath is so cute. What a difference the ribbon and material made. I might have to try to make one myself! I need to go to Target anyway!

  12. Aw! Toothless grins are so cute! I so wish there was a Target near me! ♥

  13. Miss Josie is super cute with her two front teeth missing!

  14. That little toothless grin is adorable!
    I just love Target! What you did with the mailboxes is adorable, and I especially love the wreath...I just happened to have picked up a couple of those, now I can remake them!

  15. Those little mailboxes are sweet!

  16. She loss another tooth? WOW! She's in the money :)

  17. Just look at that cute smile!

    I'm sorry I missed out on the baker's twine at Target last year. I was browsing their $1 seasonal bins on Tuesday and didn't see those cute mailboxes or baker's twine.

  18. More cuteness! (My daughter lost 6 teeth in 7 days ... just warning you! Hope the Tooth Fairy has been saving...)

  19. Josie is too cute!! Such a great photo!! Thanks for sharing about all the goodies at Target!! Have fun playing and crafting this weekend! xo Heather

  20. I was just at Target- Not a single one of those little mailboxes. drat!!! I forgot to look for the baker's twine, too. xo Diana

  21. Awww, this just makes her twice as cute! :-)
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  22. Josie looks absolutely adorable with her missing teeth! I think I better head over to Target, today!

  23. Thanks for the Target makeover suggestions! But, the cutie-patootie is your sweet daughters smile! Since I teach kindergarten, I get to pull those wiggly ones out once in awhile! Always makes me giggle!

  24. Josie is too cute!
    Thanks for the Target tip - I was going to stay in today but I think a field trip is in order. :)

  25. how'd I miss this? well congrats to another tooth loss! lol.. can only say that to little kids! I love josies snake wreath and I think its so cool that she is going to learn some chinese. something tells me she is going to pick it up pretty easy!
    and.. cute little heart wreaths! I'm in my craft room today playing. Except that every time I get up to do something, (like get a batch of peanut butter cookies out of the over) or answer the phone... or whatever.. figgy and frannie take over my chair! silly ol kittens! I dont think they like me to move them... but geesh!
    anyways... have a delightful day!!

  26. oops... I just noticed that I hadnt missed this post...ooh my... just losing my mind! thats ok, as long as it stays in my craft room! lol
    see ya later!

  27. Kim,
    Love the mailbox idea!! I may have to borrow that idea of you don't mind. I think I will be going to Target this morning...



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.