March 15, 2013

Happy Josie Five Year Anniversary!

We are celebrating a very important anniversary on March 16th.  Five years ago, Emma, Chris and I were in China on one of the most important days of our lives.
We were finally going to meet our newest daughter!  After years of waiting, we were so ready for our family to start growing!! Little did we know all the changes that would really begin.
When Josie first came home from China she was high maintenance in every sense of the word…she had extreme night terrors, complex heart issues, food hording issues and separation anxiety that would rip your heart out.

She had to get to know us.
We had to get know her.
We had to lovingly and very slowly teach her how to trust us despite multiple surgeries, hospitalizations and unpleasant doctor appointments.

Her trust didn't happen overnight.

That first year was a mix of emotions. I hid most of our problems from my blog world but leaned on my adoptive friends, family, and work colleagues for support. You know who you are, THANK YOU!
Watching Josie grow, and having the opportunity to see her positive "super-hero" spirit with others is what keeps me smiling each and every day!
I am looking forward to seeing where life takes Emma and Josie.
I believe there are amazing things in store for both my girls.

Despite all Josie's initial health issues, God has given her an amazing spirit and I know that those talents are used for the benefit of  herself and others.
When I see my two daughters together, I am reminded that the painful journey of secondary infertility was worth every migraine and shed tear.

March 2008
Nanchang China 

March 2013

You have come so far.
You've learned so much.
You've taught US so much!

We love your positive and magical spirit.

Happy Family Anniversary!

It's been a blessed five years!

In case you would like to see Josie's Gotcha day video filmed March 16, 2008, here it is!

Have your Kleenex handy!


  1. well I can honestly say that I love josie too! Gods plans are amazing.. I love her story and how she came to be part of your family. It is awesome to watch the journey our kids take into adulthood!
    happy Adoption anniversary day!

  2. Happy happy Josie day! She has an amazing story and family. I know how hard the first year and adjustments can be, but so rewarding and full of love. You have the best family!! Congrats!

  3. Happy Josie day! Love the looking back post. What a gift she is.

  4. Happy Anniversary! You are all so very blessed and thank you for sharing your family's remarkable journey through your blog.

  5. It's so clear here what a sweetheart Josie is- she (and you) were truly blessed to have followed this path! I'm sure those first months were so hard, but she has become such a beautiful little girl as a result of your persistance!!

  6. Happy Anniversary Day . . . for each of you. A day filled with tender, blessed memory I am sure.

    Each time I read your words, see the photos, watch the video I am wrapped back into that time and day in your life. Yet my emotions can't even begin to touch the feelings filling your hearts. It makes me wonder, what does she remember "from a yesterday" and what feelings emerge from Josie as she watches the video.

    Patience, understanding, compassion, apprehension, worries, fear, trust, love, embracing, holding, touch, separating, sense, tiny smiles and tears and blessings flow into those minutes in a hotel room . . .

    I am touched by your story, . . . which fills me with "goosey bump" feelings all over my body . . . such a joy has been born out of those first moments of Josie within the open arms of your love.

    This gift of life within your circle . . .

    Soar Josie . . . soar . . . happy day sweet one . . .

  7. Like Lynne, who posted above me said, your story gives me goose-bumps. Happy Josie Day, what a lucky little girl!



  8. Happy anniversary to your families new beginning with Josie! It is a blessing and is wonderful that you celebrate in such thoughtful ways! Building memories is very important.

  9. Isn't it amazing how fast time flies with kids?!?! Seems like it was just last week we were waiting for news of Josie and now it's been 5 short years already! Enjoy the time cuz it will zoom even faster! Lotsa love to you, Emma, Josie, and even Chris! ha ha
    Love, vicki

  10. Happy Anniversary to your family! Love looking at your family photos.... How your girls have grown! I am sure your girls will do amazing things with their lives... They have such good teachers!!


  11. Happy Anniversary to you and your family!! :) Such a gift she is to you guys! :) Happy Friday! xo Holly

  12. Your family is very blessed. Emma and Josie are beautiful girls. Enjoy celebrating your family of four tomorrow!

  13. Happy, happy Josie Day! She has landed in the midst of an amazing family! Such a blessing you have been for her, Kim!

    xo Nellie

  14. You bad, bad girl. I am bawling like a baby here and supposed to go pick someone up in a few minutes. God was so good in his wisdom to bless you and entrust you with that dear little heart (literally). God bless Josie on this special day and God bless your whole family. Love to you-xo Diana

  15. Thanks for sharing your story. Everyone in your family is on a beautiful journey. It will be amazing to look back in 20 years at all the little miracles. Happy Josie Day to you all!

  16. She is such a happy beautiful little girl. I know very well how hard it is to adopt an older child. It takes time to build a relationship and to get past barriers. Our adoption was within the states so we didn't have to go through what you did. But we had to go through the past abusive issues. But you can see how loved that Josie is and that she loves all of you. A very happy family. (((((HUGS)))))

  17. Happy, happy, oh so happy anniversary/birthday.....cause she really got her real life when she came to live with you!


  18. Happy Family-versary! Wow, five years, I love all the pictures!

  19. There just are no words for how wonderful this story and your family are ... happy anniversary!

  20. Happy Sweet Josie Day!! Such a blessing she is, and what a blessing you all are to her!! A beautiful story and little girl she is growing up to be!! xo Heather

  21. Happy Anniversary to all of you! What a wonderful family you have Kim! Thanks for sharing this with us, but don't think I'm supposed to cry at work. Hugs, Pam

  22. What a blessed Anniversary!
    What a beautiful girl!
    What a beautiful family!
    Miss Josie is such a little super hero! She makes everyone smile!
    Have a lovely day!

  23. What a beautiful post, Kim. Here's to Josie and your wonderful family. Emma and Josie are truly beautiful girls. You are very lucky!

  24. A true testament to a positive and nurturing environment to grow up in. So happy her life took a turn so she could become part of your life. She is a gem of a little girl! Happy, happy day!

  25. Happy Anniversary! It always amazes me just how much of an impact the adoption has had on Josie. Who knows what would have become of her and now she's a healthy, happy, cute little girl who loves to play hockey!

  26. You've sure brought tears to my eyes. It's amazing to see the change in 5 years...the growth in the girls and the growth in Josie's smile. I'm so happy to know you all and get to share some of your joy as you celebrate. Wish I was there to give you all BIG HUGS. I know you'll have a wonderful weekend. Take lot of photos! Sweet hugs, Diane

  27. Happy Day Miss.Josie!! What a blessing you are!!! We just love your smile!!! <3

  28. Just spent a half hour showing my sister Josie's videos, and past blog posts about her adoption story...looking at all the sweet photos of your family!
    Now we are both all choked up!
    Josie is a doll, and we are just so happy for you!
    Congrats on 5 years with your baby!
    Erica :)

  29. Sometimes in life you come across a story that is so worth reading. A family so worth praying for. A little girl who has a journey like no other and she lands in the arms of those that love her. God's perfect plan. Thank you for sharing this portion in your life Kim. It was a beautiful read and let us all get to know you even better. You will be tucked in my prayers and yes, I know there is a wonderful journey ahead for those two sisters, hand in hand.

  30. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to your entire family!!

    You have such an amazing story of Love to share!!


  31. This brought tears to my eyes Kim! Happy 5th anniversary day to you and your family. Your girls are growing prettier each day. It's wonderful that they have each other to grow up with. You all are truly blessed.


  32. Happy Happy Family day to you and Josie! :) Love the trip in pictures down memory lane. Give that amazing girl some extra hugs from me!

  33. It is the best job description you will ever have: MOMMY. "I will say to the North, give them up and to the South, do not hold them back! Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth." Isaiah 43:6


  34. Happy St. Pattys Day! I can't wait to see more pictures :)

  35. Loved this story of your family, Kim, and it's so much fun to watch both of your daughters grow up right before our very eyes! Happy Josie Day!

  36. Felicitazioni per questa importante data da festeggiare che può essere considerata il giorno della nuova nascita di Josie o della sua vostra gioia è anche la nostra che vi accompagniamo attraverso il blog.

  37. Josie was the perfect addition to your family. Happy Anniversary!


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