May 16, 2013

Mail call...part 2, 3 and 4!

I'm long overdue in properly thanking some friends for recent gifts.
Many many weeks ago, Lynne (Irish Garden House) sent me a box of miniature treasures, including 3 wooden spools.  
Two of the wooden spools have already been used in crafting projects.
 As you can imagine, I've had so much fun sorting through all her miniatures.
Thank you for thinking of me.  Please know they are very much appreciated, Lynne.

Erica from Golden Egg Vintage sent me this beautifully decorated box as part of the vintage crafting supply exchange that we did with Elizabeth (Creative Breathing).  Isn't the lid of the box absolutely darling?!?  

Here's a close up of one of the painted birds.

The supplies are as unique and fabulous as the box that she decorated.

Imagine the fun I'm going to have exploring and creating!!

Then, Donna from My Shabby Chateau contacted me to say that she had pulled my name for her Paris-inspired giveaway.
 Emma has already taken most of the contents downstairs to her Parisian bedroom. 

 I told my soon-to-be 15 year old,  we could share the polka dot scarf.

Donna even tucked in a cowgirl pail that she decorated.

Yes.  I'm so darn spoiled.  The blogging community is such a generous community.  Thank you ladies.  This has been such a hectic time at work and your packages have been such a lovely treat. Friday (tomorrow) is the first of the many birthday celebrations happening at our house.  Get ready!


  1. Thank you Kim . . . what fun you can have with all your treasures . . .

    Enjoy the birthday celebration . . .

  2. As we've said before.. blogpals are pretty darn terrific! What fun packages you have received!!!

  3. Agreed blogging friends are fantastic! Such fun packages you received! I bet you will be having lots of fun sorting through to craft pretties! Hope you have a lovely rest of the week! I can't wait to see pictures of the birthday party, it will be so cute! :) xo Holly

  4. Lots of fun things to use in your doll houses and future crafting projects! :-) Can't wait to see pictures from the birthdays.

  5. Blog friends always know what we love best! It's so much fun to get a package from a friend! Enjoy your celebrations!

  6. Wonderful gifts for you, Kim! You will have great fun creating.

    Oh, yes! I am ready to begin singing Happy Birthday!

    xo Nellie

  7. Such sweet gifts!!! Bloggy friends are the best!! Wishing you a great day! xo Heather

  8. I have to say those gifts from your followers are so sweet! I have to say I'm in love with those birds that Erica painted :)

  9. Wow, lucky you. Kim! Enjoy your goodies!

  10. You'll keep busy creating with all those goodies! Very FUN!
    Meri did a great job on the "dolls" for your girls!
    Happy weekend!

  11. Lovely treasures! Have a great weekend!
    xoxo Carly

  12. Those little bluebird impressed thingys are pretty cool! I see lots of really neat things you lucky girl! Have fun creating!

  13. How fun to get such cute treasures in the mail! The blogging community is the best!

  14. What lovely goodies. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with them. Thank you for sharing!

  15. you are gonna have fun with all those cute things


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.