June 2, 2013

Josie's birthday party... picture overload

You've probably gathered from all my pre-party posts lately, I love decorating and organizing parties.  The western dress I'm wearing was from the infamous farm house estate sale.  I spent a mere $1!  The boots on my feet were HUGE, but they were a great deal.  I had on 3 pairs of socks to keep them on my feet.  

It especially helps that I have a husband who equally enjoys entertaining. Yes. He talked like a cowboy during the whole party. 

I also have to give a big shout-out to Emma didn't mind dressing up and was a huge help during the party. Isn't she adorable in her hat?  

Josie could hardly stand waiting for her party guests to arrive.  

From the moment she got up, until the party officially got underway, she was constantly asking "how much longer"!!!

One of the biggest hits at the party was the lasso game.

Chris picked up this deer head at an estate sale and mounted to the saw horse.

The other game that was especially exciting was mining for gold in Josie's sandbox.

Some of you might remember the pink sand from last year's flamingo party.

The gold nuggets were rocks spray-painted gold.

We had lots of other games too. Pin-the tail on the horse.

Smashing a pinata cowboy boot.

Throwing horseshoes.

A horse craft

Although it wasn't super warm outside, the weather was perfect for active little people.

As you can imagine, Josie's horse tire swing got quite the workout at the party!

One of Josie's friends wore her mother's childhood Holly Hobby shirt that was hand-stitched by her grandmother when she was a little girl.  Isn't it adorable!?!

Josie was spoiled with lots of presents and many thank you notes need to be written this week.

I didn't get permission to share their sweet little faces, but know that they were all adorable in their western gear.

They dined on cupcakes and ice cream.

Bottle water provided liquid refreshment. My late grandfather would be happy to know that his metal pail was being put to good use as a watering hole.

By the time the last guest left, we were all feeling like our cat (Penny).

It was a really fun party.

But, we aren't quite done celebrating!!! Josie's extended family birthday party is scheduled for June 14th in the evening.  We'll be having a BBQ dinner.

Yee-haw.  I'm tired but very happy with how everything came together.

Happy birthday, Josie!


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time! Rest up and get ready for the next party!

  2. wonderful! You all look adorable, definately a time to remember.

  3. Happy BIrthday Sweet Josie!! Wow, what an awesome party!! I just love all the decorations and all your cute outfits!! The lasso game looks awesome!! So glad everything went so great!! Cute photos!! Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  4. Everything looks perfect! Love the games and decorations. Happy Birthday Josie!

  5. WOW!! What a fabulous party! Looks like so much fun for everyone! Happy Birthday to Josie!

  6. I knew it would be a smashing success! I think you and Chris should plan a birthday party for me! lol! I used to do a lot of themed parties for my kids.. but never quite at the level that you do them!
    I know Josie had a wonderful time.. she is going to have the bestest memories to look back on someday.
    have a great week Kimmie!

  7. Holy Smoke!! Looks like the best party ever!! And how fun that the whole family helps!! Your Josie sure looks like she a had a very special day! BTW, the Holly Hobby shirt is darling!

  8. Josie is growing up so fast!
    Looks like a wonderful party~great job!
    Love those estate sales...

  9. Love it . . . and the best part . . . The entire family is involved. Memories are made from this . . .

    Really liked CowGirl mum with the mini CowGirl . . . and Emma gets more beautiful each time I see a picture . . . and dad . . .cool CowBoy dude!

    Great fun for Josie and her friends . . .

  10. You really should be a party planner! So many great ideas. Looks like Josie was wearing her winning smile all day. Love all your outfits too.
    :) Pam

  11. Wow, what an amazing party! You sure think of every little detail, KIm! Happy Birthday to Josie, what a cute little cowgirl:) Oh, so funny about all the socks you wore with your big boots!!

  12. Oh my! We all feel like we've been waiting for the party! What fun games and beautiful decorations. I'm glad the weather was nice enough to get outside! What a happy girl you had and I know you had a house full of happy cowboys and cowgirls! What FUN!!!

  13. Oh yee haw, what a glorious party! I definitely want to be adopted by you........my birthday is in September, can you have a party ready by then????? My oldest daughter is turning 25 on the 13th so we're having her "dinner" on the 12th. For all my loved ones I cook them whatever they want for their birthday dinner, so we're having turkey burgers, pasta salad and she want's a marble cake with whipcream frosting and strawberries. I've also been working on a home handbook for her as she's in her new, more permanent, home with her husband of 3 years. Give Josie and Emma a big hug for all of us here in blogland.

    Love ya'

  14. You all are amazing parents.I look forward each day to your blog.

  15. Such a fabulous party, that deer trophy is wonderful, all the touches were perfect, so glad the sky was clear. The gold mining activity is such a great idea. Josie's friend's Holly Hobbie shirt is just beautiful. I love that particular embroidery pattern!

  16. I think you guys should all be called the "Fun Family! You all certainly know how to have fun!

  17. Oh my goodness, Kim, how adorable! I think Josie's big smile just says it all....

  18. What a fun party. Josie looks like she had a wonderful time. You guys looked great in your cowboy/girl gear.

  19. Happy Birthday to Joise!! Everything looks like so much and turned out sooo cute! What fun and creative games to have! I bet the kids all had a blast!!
    ps. did you get your package in the mail yet? :) xo Holly

  20. LOVE! What a wonderful party and high five to you and Chris and Emma for adding to the fun. (love the cowboy talk) YEEHAWWWW and Happy Birthday to Josie!

  21. I was excited to see how the party came together. I loved everything. The cowboys on the table, did you make them. That deer head, hah. Love Josie's outfit. She's 7.....I have three 7 year old grandchildren. They were all born 6 weeks apart. Josie is getting so beautiful. You have a beautiful family.

  22. What a wonderful time! Josie is sure to have some outstanding memories of her childhood. Happy, happy birthday to Josie! xo Nellie

  23. I love that everyone in the family got in on the act to make Josie's party the best in the west.
    If you ever have a chance to make a trip out west to Portland (OR) you will have to take Josie to find the little horsies tied to the old horse rings in the sidewalks. (The Horse Project)

  24. Happy Birthday to your Josie! What an adorable party, you did a great job, and I love everyone's outfits.

  25. Wow! What an amazing party! Love the theme and that lasso game is a hoot! It looks like everyone had a great time! Happy birthday to your sweet girl!

  26. Happy Birthday to the Amazing Josie! And congratulations on throwing a fantastic party!
    Yes, Emma does look darn cute in her hat!
    Erica :)

  27. Oh, looks like so much fun!! Love Josie's little dress, and that Holly Hobbie stitching- swoon! Your kids will remember their parties for the rest of their lives! I wish I had the energy and desire to do big parties for my kids- but they seriously stress me out! I can only handle a "big" party once every couple years!

  28. Happy Birthday to Josie! What a great party you organized!

  29. So glad you had a rain free day! That photo of Josie next to the deer head is adorable and a little "quirky" at the same time. It is a dead head after all lol. Love all your party details - you really could go into the part planning business, you know.

  30. I loved seeing all the pictures,but the last one says it all...that beautiful smile. You did a wonderful job mom....you get a Texas high five :) Blessings

  31. Happy birthday to Josie! all 3 of you girls look adorable and I think you should be a professional party planner some day! ♥

  32. Happy Happy Birthday Miss Josie!
    What fun was had by all!
    What great parties you throw!
    Love it all!
    Davis will be thrilled you went gold panning!

  33. KIM!!!! What an amazing party that you and your family put together for sweet Josie!!
    I would have loved this party as a kid. Heck, I would have loved this party now at this age.
    I watched a lot of TV with my Dad when I was a young girl and he was a big fan of westerns so I LOVED playing with cowboys and Indians!! Yes, I was a bit of a Tom Boy. I think that is where my love of the Victorian Era came from because I loved how the homes looked in that Era.Along with Mary Poppins being my favorite movie as a child!
    Now there's an idea! A Mary Poppins Party!



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