August 29, 2013

Hints of fall...

I'm seeing little hints of a fall in our yard.
 Leaves are changing colors.
Evening darkness is coming sooner.
I don't know about you, but this has been the longest week at work EVER.
  The tree house will have lots of company this weekend. 
Do you have any special plans this long holiday weekend?  We have one last "destination" to check off our summer bucket list.  

 Fingers crossed the weather cooperates.  The weekend is nearly in sight!  Yippee!


  1. Sounds like y'all are going to have a great weekend!!! Enjoy!

  2. Looks like a fun place to visit! I will keep good thoughts that the weather cooperates!!

  3. How wonderful to have defined seasons. Have a fun weekend!

  4. Its the weekend!!Have a lovely one! I'm heading out this afternoon to a "paris market" Ill take pics and post about it later. Other then that, I'm working on bears and hopefully getting back to the beach. I also hope to have a labor day cook out. I suppose I should let my family know! lol!
    Have fun Kimmie!

  5. Enjoy Sleeping Bear Dunes . . . Enjoy clomping up and flying back down!

  6. Have a happy wonderful weekend!! xo Holly

  7. Yes, longest and HOTTEST week ever!! Have a great weekend!!

  8. Not sure exactly what is going on here this weekend. Hope YOU have a wonderful one and get another check made on your list. Long week here, too- xo Diana

  9. I can tell you are excited for the week-end to arrive! Will you have another break before Thanksgiving? It seems like a very long time befoe then.

    I am seeing some signs of the approaching fall here, too. I love the cooler mornings we have had a few days.

    xo Nellie

  10. Kim,
    Looking forward to Fall! I gave you a shout out in my last post...


  11. Some leaves are turning here too! Fun finds at the sale.
    Enjoy your long weekend! Come visit my blog to see who your partner is!

  12. As I write this comment, I hope you are already home and ready to start your 3 day weekend! Have a wonderful time with your family and enjoy the time off! We have a bbq on Sat. & a picnic on Sun. and it's supposed to rain on Monday here but that's okay! Hugs! Maggie

  13. I always wanted a tree house as a child. How much fun for your daughter to have a place to play in. Enjoy your last bits of summer and long weekend.

    xo Danielle

  14. Hooray for fall! I am busy getting ready for a "Fall Fiesta" in our new 'hood. I can't wait!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.