August 25, 2013

In denial...

The girls don't head back to school until September 3rd, but I'm crazy busy with my new semester start-up at my University, so I decided to give my blog an "academic" makeover.

The leather bag of marbles is from my childhood.  I love gathering bits and pieces of my personal collection to make my monthly blog headers.  I'm totally in denial that summer is nearly over.  

Wasn't it just June?

Weren't we just on vacation at the Wigwam motel on Route 66?



  1. I am in denial, too, Kim. I can't believe summer is coming to an end! xo Diana

  2. I love your new banner...the book and marbles are so sweet. And what would back to school be without crayons. I'm hanging on to summer a bit longer! Hugs!

  3. It's still summer here... Dear daughter doesn't start college until end of September - Since most of her friends have already started, I think she wishes her "summer" were over too :) Your blog banners are always so nice!

  4. I love the new banner! I can't believe the Summer is over...Mackenzie starts school tomorrow. Pretty soon it will be time for Fall decorating!

  5. Awe don't be in denial :). Your favorite season is coming up! Plus you have great memories of your amazing trip this summer to talk about in front of a nice fire with lots of cozy blankets and hot cocoa! Love the new header! When I smell old fashioned white paste I think of my first day of kindergarten! Hugs. Maggie

  6. We are sending you some weather in the upper 90s to make it feel like the beginning of July instead of the end of August. Heat & Humidity!

  7. What a fun blog makeover!

    The end of summer is sooo bittersweet! However, Halloween is just around the corner! Bring on the fall fun!

  8. yes... its going going.... but not quite gone.. Im hoping for a beautiful weekend next weekend.. but Kimmie, then its fall and halloween! and my birthday, and my sons wedding, and a new baby, then about 6 more birthdays and thanksgiving and christmas.... OH yes.. lets slow down and savor the end of summer! LOL!

  9. It has just flown by hasn't it? Hey the girls start back on my birthday, how cool is that?

    Hugs N' Love,

  10. Love the new header! But I relate! I always approachthus last week of August with so many emotions, many sad :(

  11. I keep looking at the calendar and can't believe this is the last week of August. My kids don't go back to college till the end of Sept, so hoping I get a little time with them yet this summer. Great new header!

  12. Seems like just a few days ago instead of a couple months!

  13. In denial too and so is the weather here with temps and humidity in the high 90s! It's pool time not school time! :)

  14. Time as really flown by this summer. Seeing the teepees. There is actually a TeePee Motel a couple towns away from me. It had been closed down for many years and a couple bought it and redid everything. It is a Motel where you can stay in the A/C teepees and a rv park.

  15. Love your new header!! Summers always fly by. Hope you have a fabulous week! xo Heather

  16. Really cute header for the start of school! I can't believe how fast summer as flown, either!

  17. Yes, it was just June! This summer has zipped by really fast! We are finally getting some hot summer weather, but our kids are missing it. They have been back in school since mid-Aug.

  18. Love your new header! Summer always seems to go by too fast!! But i'm excited for fall. Happy new week! xo Holly

  19. It's too HOT to even think about school starting or fall.
    NICE new header! Very cool bag of marbles!
    Deb :)

  20. Loving the new banner. I'm not minding summer ending, because it's all a countdown to Halloween now!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.