October 23, 2013

Orange feather tree! Orange feather tree!

How lovely are your branches!
In beauty orange will always grow;
Through autumn fun and Halloween's glow.
Orange feather tree, Orange feather tree,
How lovely are your branches!

Orange feather tree, Orange feather tree,
You are the tree most loved!
Orange feather tree, Orange feather tree,
How lovely are your branches!

Orange feather tree, Orange feather tree,
In brightly shining amber light!
Orange feather tree, Orange feather tree,
Each year you bring to me delight throughout the autumn night.
Orange feather tree, Orange feather tree, of all the trees most loved.
For the last few years, I've participated in Sarah's (Makin Projiks) Halloween ornament exchange.  This year, each of us made 11 ornaments for the exchange.
I used a miniature chocolate box to make a tiny shadow box ornament.
This is the top and backside of the ornament.  A little broom forms the handle.
These are the ornaments that I received in this year's swap.  All of them are fabulous.
I was so smitten with the Halloween pumpkin doll that I decided to make another one so that both Josie and Emma could have one for their own homes someday.
I made mine with left over crafting supplies. It's a mini Josie wearing a party hat and mask.
If you'd like to see the talented ladies are behind the swap, be sure to visit this post and this post from Sarah's blog.  Thank you for organizing this swap, Sarah.
Now, do you understand how I can also fill a full-sized tree too?   Yes. My house is bursting with Halloween decorations.  
PS.  In case you're wondering, the little black Halloween cats that you see on the feather tree with my girls faces were made by Viv.  Yep.  I'm spoiled. 


  1. Your home almost makes me want to drag the Halloween crafting supplies back out...lol! I always look forward to seeing your sunroom tree. Happy Halloween!

  2. ❤the orange feather tree as well as all the wonderful ornaments! And when did Josie grow up so fast?!
    HaLLoWeeN on!

  3. Kim, I just love seeing your creativity at work. You are sooo creative!! I really like the mini Josie that you made, and the black cat with the girls picture is GREAT. I want one too!!!! Laura

  4. So festive . . . orange feather tree!

  5. Love your tree, and it definitely puts my little one I just posted to shame. ;) Have a great week! Hugs to you, xo Heather

  6. A Halloween peg doll for both of the girls' future Halloween's is so sweet! Your a great Mom!
    Chris =]

  7. Your feather tree is beautiful! So many fun things to see... I love the little stuffed cats with the girls faces-too cute! I've started putting Halloween crafting things in a separate bin for next year, already gathering ideas and looking forward to making more ornaments:@)

  8. loving your remake of christmas carols the past couple days!! and I dont even need to tell you how much I love all your halloween decorations. You just know that right? LOL!
    I so want to trick or treat at your house!

  9. Oh my -- you're killing me with the do-over on the songs and people wondering why I'm humming Christmas songs all day! Love those pumpkin dolls and your little doll is growing so tall -- such a beauty!

  10. Love the kitty cat Emma and Josie - too cute!

  11. So, so cute girlfriend! I think it'd be worth a trip just to visit your house during this time of year!


  12. I simply love all your Halloween decorations, Kim! You are overflowing with creativity! xo Nellie

  13. Love your cute orange tree! And all those sweet ornaments, i'll have to go look at the other's! Halloween Hugs!! xo Holly

  14. Love those two little dolls, and especially the one you made to represent Josie! I'm sure she loves it!

  15. Oh boy! I was just taking a break from my own party prep--tying up the last of the goody bags, making our two prize bags for costumes and doing some baking when I said let me sit down with a nice cup of coffee for 5 minutes cause I'm feeling abit weary and see what Kim is up to! This post just revved me up to get back to work it was so inspiring! I am seeing so many ideas for ornaments I want to make for my FULL size tree tnextyear which I am so excited about! Everything looks so amazing. Truly amazing! Have a great party tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you and your lovely family all night! Maggie

  16. Kim, Sarah directed me to your blog. I'm glad you were inspired by the pumpkin peg doll...yours is so sweet and cute! I just love your blog, your craftiness, and decorating skills. I wish I had your luck with all your cute finds from the thrift and estate sales. Have a Happy Halloween! ~Beth

  17. Stop tempting me to go buy a Halloween Tree!!!! It's the line I have drawn for myself, because I know it will open up a whole new world of collecting! LOL
    So just stop it! With your cute as heck orange feather tree, and all these fantastic handmade ornaments!
    OK- heading to Sarah's posts right now.
    ps Josie is so cute :)

  18. I love all your orangy happiness. So much fun. I am coming there for Trick or Treat.

  19. Love, love, love your orange tree! The first thing I noticed was the adorable cat frames. That Viv is sooo talented too!

  20. I think you and Viv get the prizes for the most whimsical, wonderful Halloween decorations. You both go all out- You can fight over the first place award! xo Diana

  21. I agree with Shirley, I almost want to drag them out....my problem is no where to put anything, for Christmas I want three white bookshelves in my living room corner with electricity to some of the shelves....And I adore all of your pretties Kim, I always do! Thanks for sharing...:)

  22. The girl-kitties are really cute! And I love the paperdolls dressed in halloween garb!

  23. I LOVE your orange feather tree, and am terribly proud that ornaments I've made over the years are displayed on it!

    Happy Halloween!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.