November 24, 2013

A little work and a little play...

I've been keeping a secret.
A few weeks ago, I had shared that Emma's band would be heading to Orlando FL. 
 What I didn't share was that Chris, Josie and myself would also be traveling too!!
 We've known about this trip for quite a while.
 Back in May, I put in a proposal to present at the SLOAN Consortium International Conference on Online Learning that just happened to be scheduled during part of the time that Emma would be in Orlando.
Thankfully, my proposal was accepted and this gave us an opportunity to travel to FL!
After I was done working, the three of were able to enjoy some time at Magic Kingdom and Epcot.
 Emma doesn't return back to a cold and snowy MI until late Wednesday.
Thankfully, we were able to spend some time together with her Saturday at Epcot.  
Josie had been away from her big sister for 4 days and was happy to be reunited again.
Hard to believe in two short years, Emma will be off to college...sigh.
Disney certainly knows how to do it right for Christmas.
 Even Santa managed to find some time in his busy schedule to attend the evening parade.
Merry Christmas, Santa!
We certainly are counting our many blessings this year.



  1. How great that you all could go to the most "happiest place in the world"!!! I would LOVE to take my Grand-girl there!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Kim!

  2. Congratulations! How great for your family! Love the photo of the girls holding hands. Those are the special snapshots that fill your heart with joy. It truly is the happiest place on earth! :) Maggie

  3. Looks like your family had a wonderful time! Enjoyed the pictures. I have never been to Disney World... I hope to go with the grands someday!

  4. How exciting that must have been to go to Disney at the same time Emma was there! Perfect timing! xo Nellie

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip . . . happy you were able to spend time with Emma . . . and Santa too!

  6. What a wonderful trip. So nice that you got to meet Emmas group while you were there. I bet Josie had a blast. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. What great fun. I am so glad y'all got to go. Josie is really growing up too.

  8. Fun to see this post! I'm surrounded by boxes of x-mas stuff, and just had to take a break to put my feet up. Boy this decorating stuff is hard! lol
    Disney is so wonderful at Christmastime! I'm so happy for your family that it worked out so well for you all to go. I love the pic of Josie with her hands up!
    The parades at night are my favorite!
    Erica :)

  9. Sounds like you all had a great time, Kim! Disney looks just magical at the holidays! Congrats to both you and Emma, how exciting!!

  10. What a wonderful and magical time!! Glad you all got to spend some fun time together! xo Heather

  11. The stars aligned at it all worked out perfectly..a great family time!

  12. So glad you had a great time!!!! I've heard it even "snows" in Disneyland!

  13. Hi,
    Such a wonderful trip for you all get to have together!! I miss those busy high school years! Wow, my babies are now 30 and 27!!!! Dana and I spent two days creating special handmade Christmas Cards for a special dachshund theme card exchange! We will be sending and receiving 38 adoreable cards to and from all of the US, Canada, and England!!! Not sure if any more countries are on the list but Dana did tell me about those and wondered how much it would cost to mail to those countries! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy Emma and don't worry about her moving on to college too soon. Enjoy those days! When Dana graduated, she was our last baby! I had such a hard pregnancy that I had my tubes died as soon as she was born and before my Doctor closed up the incision from the Csection, so there were no more Friday night football games, Booster Club meetings, Softball practice and games, school vacations, helping her study fro her exams, all her girl friends over for the Friday night girl's night, the different clubs, community projects and service projects, club dances, and of course prom! Miss those times so much!!!Our home was always where the kids gathered. Now, lots of those kids have kids of their own and they bring them by at Halloween to visit! Have a wonderful week and can't wait to see all your Christmas décor pictures and your crafting!

  14. How fun! Congrats on being able to take the trip at the same time! Looks like you're all having a blast-enjoy:@)

  15. Wow, you have sure been busy! Looks like you and the family had a blast. I've always wanted to see Disney at Christmastime!

  16. It's fun to think that we were both spending a happy Saturday at a Disney park! It's so much fun to go when the parks are decorated for Christmas...they light up the castle at night and delight us with swirling snow! It looks like you had warmer weather in Florida than we did in California...but that's okay! It was a fun, fun weekend! Hope you enjoyed yours as much as we did!

  17. So glad your family got to visit Disney World during Christmastime! It's the best! I just love it this time of year! We've been to Disneyland a few times already for this Christmas Season!

  18. Looks magical!! So nice that it worked out and were able to spend time together!! I've only been to Disney when I was about 5....and don't remember too much, only through pictures. Luke and I want to try to go in the next a couple years sometime!! :) Hope you have a wonderful week!! xo Holly

  19. How fabulous! You ALL got to go...WOW! I know it was a wonderful trip, one you'll always remember! We live just north of Orlando and love this part of the state. Enjoy your week! I know this got you in the Christmas spirit! Sweet hugs!

  20. I was wondering when you would reveal your secret !!! It looks like you had a wonderful Disney experience and how wonderful that you were all able to holiday together - wishing Emma safe travels back. I have heard about Disney at Christmas, but never had a chance to experience it.

  21. Disney is always magical, but especially at Christmas. Good for your family all making the trip!

  22. What fun! So happy that you all got to travel too and see Emma and her band! You know how we love Disney! :)

  23. I am so jealous, Disney at Christmas has always been a dream of mine. Congratulations to Emma and her band.

  24. Hey Kim, I've been so bad about keeping up with blogs lately! But I can't believe you were in Orlando- I live 2 hours from there! How awesome that you all got to go!

  25. Oh golly, my oldest daughter and her hubby were there recently, too. They then headed to London for a week. Every time she goes, which is a lot, I get a brightly colored Mickey T-shirt...yea! Nothing beats a complete Mickey T-shirt wardrobe!


  26. how nice that you were able to combine work with play and get away to sunny florida! and then welcome home to winter! we're supposed to get hit tonight into tomorrow night with a storm I guess.. Ive heard others talking, but havent seen a report for myself yet. hope the weather doesnt get in the way of Emmas traveling.
    prayers going up for a safe trip back!

  27. Fun fun fun!!! Glad you were able to coordinate work and band schedules and take the trip as a whole family. Emma must be having a blast with her band mates! That is such a tiny little instrument case. At times like this, I bet she is so glad that she picked the flute. :-)

  28. How exciting! I bet Disney at the holidays was amazing! Kamree is soooo jealous! Great pictures!


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