November 12, 2013

Tweaking the Thanksgiving mantel...

Halloween is officially packed up and my single box of Thanksgiving decorations came out of storage over the weekend.
I'm still on a mission to find Indian gurley candles without resorting to ebay or etsy.   

My pilgrim and turkey candles have doubled since last year, but I've been unable to find any Indian gurley candles at our local estate sales or antique stores, so the candle hunt continues!

My newest addition to the living room mantle is the glazed pumpkin next to my turkey planter.  It was made by Josie in art class.  
She brought it home last Friday.  Isn't it wonderful?

I still can't believe how quickly November is flying by. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!


  1. It all looks very festive! ❤Josie's glazed pumpkin~and what is wrong with resorting to ebay or etsy?! Lol

  2. Cute decorations, and love the pumpkin she made!! :) Holly

  3. Cute vintage Thanksgiving decorations. I like that, your "one" box of Thanksgiving decorations. It's harder to find those isn't it?
    Have a great week,

  4. I love your newest pumpkin!! You'll treasure that forever. I love the gurley's too. So far I've only collected Christmas gurley's, but looking at your cute pilgrims makes me think I just may need some for my Thanksgiving table.

  5. I too have a single bin of Thanksgiving..a bit refreshing between hauling out stuff for Halloween and then Christmas. I also have tons of pilgrims and turkeys...but not a single indian. Hunting here too...

  6. What a sweet pumpkin made by your little pumpkin! That's for sure something you'll have forever!
    Erica :)

  7. What a sweet pumpkin made by your little pumpkin! That's for sure something you'll have forever!
    Erica :)

  8. What a cute pumpkin, I love it! Your mantle looks great and I hope you find some of the candles you're looking for:@)

  9. Josie is as talented as you are! Love that pumpkin! The Gurley candles are hard to find here. I have only found them at a garage sale when they were thrown in with other candles and the seller had no idea or could care less what they were! That's how I got my Christmas Gurleys! My pilgrims I Bought on Ebay but I agree with you--it's usually cost effective and more fun to find them without the help of the computer!

  10. Very festive Thanksgiving decor. I can't believe you only have one box though! Do you do a Thanksgiving tree?

  11. Love Josie's art piece . . . I am sure you will treasure that piece.

    I have a very small box of Thanksgiving things . . . my favorite item is a tiny pewter turkey which was from my mother's miniature collection.

  12. So cute and Josie's pumpkin is adorable! What a great job she did!

  13. Josie's glazed pumpkin looks right at home! Your post reminds me that I haven't taken any pictures of my few Thanksgiving trimmings. Have a good day! xo Nellie

  14. It looks like you definitely have a budding artist in your family ~ the pumpkin is great. I also love the big turkey...very cute.

  15. You're right Kim, thanksgiving is sneaking right up on us. Hmmm...I better be thinking about buying that turkey. Josie's pumpkin is just precious. :)

  16. Love Josie's pumpkin. You have a good candle collection growing. I hardly ever see those either. I can't believe how fast November is flying by either-too fast!

  17. Your Thanksgiving decorations look fantastic! Kinda ashamed to say that I've completely skipped it and have started decorating inside for Christmas....

    I've never seen those Indian Gurley candles anywhere except on Ebay. Just like everything else, if we wait long enough, hopefully we'll eventually find them at a garage sale!

  18. That's an impressive pumpkin! Good luck with the Gurley search ... it took me years (literally) to find Indians. I'd take the plunge and go online. (I am so sorry to be so far behind ... I haven't seen your Halloween stuff yet, ack!)

  19. Take the plunge and go online! It took me years and years to find Gurley Indian candles. (So sorry I am so far behind in my reading ... I haven't even seen your Halloween decorations yet!)

  20. Great collection of candles, the turkeys and pilgrims are so cute!
    Hope you find your Gurley's.

  21. I bought my boy Indian two years ago and he lived without a partner until two weeks ago when I found the girl! Well, it was a lot of 15 Gurleys for 11.00 but crucial Indian Maid was there and in the same mint condition as my boy so home she came from eBay with a bunch of others! Happy me.

  22. I don't think I've seen an Indian candle! I'm wanting one!
    The pumpkin your little one made is just priceless! I love it!

  23. Hooray for Thanksgiving! This month is zipping right by! Love Josie's glazed pumpkin!

  24. Josie did a fabulous job on her pottery project. It is precious. I have always admired your thanksgiving decorations, I love how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.

  25. Love your pretty mantle!! Always so sweet! xo Heather

  26. Josie's pumpkin is beautiful. I know it will always hold a special place at your house every Thanksgiving.


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