December 19, 2013

HoHoHo Merry Christmas!

Although I've promised a couple of faculty that I'd be available for email questions, I'm officially on break from the University until January 3rd!!  I might be taking a vacation from work, but I'll still be blogging. 
We have extended family to visit.

And I haven't attempted any Christmas baking.
I've even got a few more gifts that need to be purchased.
None of the gifts are wrapped.
Let's hope I can remember where I stashed everything!
 Enjoy this Christmas Season.
It seems to be moving way too fast!
Slow down, Christmas.  Slow down!


  1. Yes! SLOW DOWN everything!

    Merry Christmas, Kim!

  2. I love the doll house under the tree, and the pink flocked deer! And that hand print is precious. Merry Christmas, Kim!

  3. Oh! So many cute little displays!
    I'm with you...I have things to buy, nothing is wrapped, cards to send, and cookies to bake. Yet, here I sit on the couch!
    I'm trying to decide if I should head out and do some shopping. But it's soooo much warmer here on the couch, and the SNOW is on it's way again! Ahhh!
    Love Emma's little hand print.
    Erica :)

  4. Such pretty pictures!! Your tree and what's under neath is so pretty!! Love all your decorations, such cute displays!! I agree its coming way too fast, it needs to slow down!! :) Love Emma's little hand print, too cute! xo Holly

  5. It sure is going way too fast! Love all of your wonderful vintage Christmas decorations!! Enjoy your time off, savor each moment:)

  6. Oh my! I think I could wonder around in awe before grabbing and hugging up those girls of yours!!!Happy Christmas to you all!

  7. I'm so glad you'll have some holiday time with your family! What fun you'll have! And look how fast the girls grow up...enjoy them while they are at home! Happy holidays!

  8. Moving way too fast here, Kim! Wish I could share some of the cookies here with you! Enjoy the break! xo Nellie

  9. Enjoy your break! Woo Hoo! Have a great time with your family and we'll look forward to more posts! I LOVE that red reindeer you have in one of the photos! I had a hard time finding one of Caitlin's gifts when I was wrapping! I finally remembered I had hid some in a suitcase! It was almost Christmas Day scavenger hunt!

  10. But you have your decorating done and it looks beautiful!

  11. Love that last shot of Emma with that tiny hand ornament..time has passed hasn't it!? Festive, festive scene and enjoy your holiday break!

  12. Christmas is coming up fast, Kim. I can't believe where this whole Fall into Winter thing has LOVE the doll house under the tree. Everything just looks so cute. I wanted to ask you- are those characters in your header celluloid? I think I spelled that right. They are just darling whatever they are- xo Diana

  13. Everything looks happy and festive Kim! I woke up this morning and my first thought was "it's the 20th already"... So yep, time is flying! Enjoy your time off from work:@)

  14. Time does move along at a pretty good clip doesn't it? I love your dollhouse under the tree!!! Too cute!! A dollhouse is number one on my list to find next year! I'm planning on baking this weekend too!

  15. I know you'll get everything done that needs to get done-and whatever doesn't-well who cares! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and give Emma and Josie a Texas hug.

  16. Ah, a nice long well deserved break...good for you Kim! Enjoy your baking and wrapping, two really fun parts for me too.

    Such sweet decor, love Emma's little hand ornament.

  17. Love all of your pretty decorations, and the dollhouse under the tree! the handprint is priceless, and my has she grown into a beautiful young woman! the time does fly too fast, and I still have things to do too. I'm just trying to enjoy everything before it's all over. Somehow we manage to get it all done. Enjoy your time off!


  18. I love that doll bed next to the nostalgic. Merry Christmas dear friend

  19. You've just been so busy decorating, but everything looks magical! I'm wishing you and your lovely family the Merriest Christmas ever, and an exceptionally awesome New Year.

    Love ya'

  20. I know what you mean - yes, need to slow down :)
    Your vintage Santas are so cute!

  21. Enjoy your break! Still waiting for the mystery Christmas elf to wrap for me! :) Have a great weekend!

  22. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!! Enjoy the holiday season and have fun! xo Heather

  23. Hi Kim,
    Cute vintage Christmas decorations! I'm off from school until Jan. 6th. Time to play dollhouse! I just posted my dollhouse decorated for Christmas, come and have a look!

  24. Hey Kim,
    Christmas is coming too fast!!! I have forgotten gifts! LOL!!
    Merry Christmas!

  25. Love your tree! Enjoy your nice long break!

  26. Ready or not....Christmas is coming! Enjoy all the little moments (they are the important moments anyway). Love all your sweet collections.

    xo Danielle

  27. Kim you decorations are beautiful. That sounds like something I would do, forget where I put something. I agree please let it slow down.
    Merry Christmas

  28. Such beautiful photos in this post. I love the one of Emma and her handprint ornament. We are experiencing frightful weather conditions, which is forcing us to slow down! I hope you and those visiting are safe. Happy vacation!

  29. Love everything under that tree, Kim! I hope you're enjoying your time off and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  30. Enjoy your break! I think I have finally finished shopping, I have just a few more things to wrap and today I have been working on holiday baking.

  31. I agree, the season has flown by, and I'm not ready for it to be Christmas already! I absolutely love your ledge with all the Christmas décor- what a wonderful place to display your amazing collection- I especially like the three choir singers up there. And putting doll beds and dollhouses in front of the tree- what a good idea- why didn't I think of that???
    Merry Christmas, friend!! And also to your sweet family!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.