March 13, 2014

Saying goodbye to the backyard rink...

We've had our backyard ice rink operational since the weekend after Thanksgiving.
 It's gone through several enhancements this winter including"festive" lighting.
Although the snow piles are still lingering, the quality of the ice is hard to maintain now.
 Unless something drastically changes with the weather, I think we're officially done as of March 13, 2014.

Here's a very very short video of both girls shot this past Sunday.

 In this video, you'll see that Emma has mastered the waltz jump.  Pretty cool.

 You've been a great rink (thank you Chris) and now we're ready to start enjoying outdoor spring activities.    
Goodbye snow!

You're welcome to leave now!


  1. I loved this Kim!
    Way to go Emma . . .
    And Josie, you are doing great too!
    Thank you Chris for keeping the rink up an running through the many snowstorms!
    And thank you Kim for being a wonderful mother and video artist!

  2. Very cool!! That rink was around a really long time. Come on spring! :)

  3. No doubt you've all had a blast with the rink! I agree (and it has nothing to do with 19 degrees and 40MPH winds today I'm sure), it's time for spring:@)

  4. I love seeing the family photo on the ice! What a great winter you've had! Time for Springtime fun now! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. If the winter to come in 2014 is anything like the one we hope is leaving, you should be back on the ice in a little more than six months.:-) That was a great project for Chris! He did a marvelous job keeping things up and running! Love the lights! For some reason, my temperamental computer didn't show the video. I'll try again later. xo Nellie

  6. What good times you've all had on your rink, but yup time for spring. Can't believe how much snow you still have!

  7. More adventures await in the Spring!Bye Bye Snow! Sorry to see the rink at rest now but she served your family well--until next November when she'll be ready for fun once again! Maggie

  8. How wonderful to have your own ice rink, so magical. Loved the home movie!

  9. I thought this rink would go on and on with the weather you have been having. You definitely put it to work each season...great video. Bittersweet, but on to warmer days!

  10. It must be amazing to be able to skate and play hockey in your backyard rink! Around here, ice time is very dear.

  11. My IPad wouldn't let me watch the video. Boo hoo. Your sweet family! Just makes me smile! But, I seriously don't think I would like the cold.

  12. It is so cool that you have your own rink. However, I am sure you are ready for Spring. I don't know why this winter has seemed so long!


  13. You guys are all so great on the ice! I don't think I could even stand up in skates! And here I thought you'd have your rink til May:)

  14. This is the most wonderful, fun idea. And Chris did such a fantastic job in creating it for you. The family photo is adorable. I hope that Spring will come soon.

  15. Looks like it has been a season of fun!! Enjoy the weekend! xo Heather

  16. After the winter we have been thru in MN we bid it GOOD RIDDANCE! We had 60" of snow and 50 days of below zero morning temps. Love seeing the 'last skate' and how Josie is now skating without a push toy! What a year of changes!

  17. Oh, no. I'll miss your skating rink, but I'm sure your gnomes will be ready for the snow to melt.

  18. Such wonderful and pretty pictures! Looks like its been a great and fun season, and wonderful memories made! Welcome Spring....come on!! :) xo Holly

  19. Such wonderful and pretty pictures! Looks like its been a great and fun season, and wonderful memories made! Welcome Spring....come on!! :) xo Holly

  20. Enjoyed your retrospective very much! Our neighbourhood rink closes this evening with a community skating party. I look forward to seeing more of Chris' backyard projects through the spring and summer .

  21. Wow! I can't believe how long you have had your rink! What sweet memories you will have! However, it's time to make some warmer memories. Hurry up, spring!


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