June 9, 2014

Celebrations and Surgery!

It was a busy weekend filled with Josie's zoo party and her family party. 
We couldn't have asked for better weather at the zoo. 
Well...maybe it could have been a bit cooler, but it was definitely a gorgeous summer Saturday.
On Sunday, Grandma spoiled Josie with one of her infamous cakes.  Thank you, Mom!
Early this morning, we went to the Helen Devos Children's Hospital for minor exploratory surgery on Josie's left ear.
We've been working with a specialist to try and determine why Josie has hearing loss in her left ear.
She was allowed to put cotton candy chapstack in her sleeping mask. Cool.  She was very brave and now she's home and resting on the couch. We have a follow-up appointment in a few weeks to talk about the next set of procedures and/or a possible hearing aid.
We love you, brave birthday girl!


  1. Oh sweet Josie...I'm sending you lots of hugs! You are very brave and patient and I hope they can find out what's wrong. Looks like such a beautiful weekend for celebrating! LOVE that amazing cake! Am I too old for a doll cake? Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  2. Amazing cake! I'm sure it was delicious! Wishing the best for Josie. She was a very brave little girl! xo Nellie

  3. It looks like you had loads of fun celebrating your sweet gal last weekend. I love, love, love her cake! Eight is great!

    Jan can help you in the hearing loss department. What a tough cookie!

  4. It looks like you had loads of fun celebrating your sweet gal last weekend. I love, love, love her cake! Eight is great!

    Jan can help you in the hearing loss department. What a tough cookie!

  5. WOW! what a great birthday weekend for Josie. That is an amazing cake. She is smiling ear to ear at the zoo. Great idea for a birthday! I just showed Caitlin your post, who enjoys reading them too :), and she sends her hugs and best wishes to Josie as do I. Sending prayers and hugs. Maggie & Caitlin

  6. Kim,
    Your little girl has won so many of our hearts! I sure hope there is an answer for her hearing loss and I just know she will take it in stride with the great set of parents she has! Looking forward to knowing what they found...:)
    Hugs, Sandy

  7. Look at that cake . . . I hope it tasted as good as it looks.
    I didn't know Josie had hearing loss . . . she has had too many "bumps" in her young life . . . hoping you find some answers . . .

  8. Hope they get to the bottom of the hearing issue..she looks like quite the happy trooper! Looks like a great birthday celebration! Happy Birthday to Josie!

  9. Awesome birthday cake!!! Hoping that her hearing issue will be taken care of soon!

  10. That is the coolest cake. I sort of maybe remember one from when I was a kid about Josie's age. Vaguely remember licking icing off the doll, which sounds pretty good right about now. Hope they figure out what's going on with her hearing. She looks like she's enjoying her time on the couch :)

  11. :( Poor sweet girl, here's hoping a quality of life improvement is around the corner with the hearing aid!

  12. What a fun birthday party! That cake is AMAZING!! Wow!

    Hope the surgery leads to more information for you. As you know, Maddy has a hearing aid, so let me know if you have any questions. Take care sweet Josie!

  13. Lovin' that great cake! Also glad to hear the weather cooperated for the party, that's always iffy... I hope they get Josie's hearing loss figured out soon:@)

  14. Looks like a great birthday celebration. Sorry to hear it was followed by surgery. Sending a prayer there is a good result. She is a brave girl who has had more than her share for her young age. She looks like she is happy being queen of the couch. Cute photos.

  15. Shes a trooper that girl! I'm glad she had a fun birthday party to balance out the not so fun time at the hospital. I hope they can figure out why she is having that hearing loss. my robby has significant hearing loss in one of his ears.. probably from shooting guns..
    Its summer time Kim... time to slow down yet? lol!
    have a great week my friend!

  16. Praying for your little peanut and a good result from the docs.

  17. Happy Birthday Sweet Josie. You are just the cutest little girl. I have 3 grandchildren that just turned 8. I hope you are feeling better as well. HUGS

  18. Happy Birthday Josie! Your cake was adorable! What a cool Grama you have to make you such an enormous cake! 8 is Great!

  19. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. I love the doll cake-that was always my choice for my daughters when they were little. I never attempted one myself though. Your mom did a great job.

    I certainly hope they can figure out what is going on with Josie's ear. Poor girl. She looks like she did really well though. Give her a hug for me- xo Diana

  20. Looks like Josie had a wonderful and fun birthday, and a beautiful cake!! Will keeping sweet Josie in my prayers and for answers on her hearing. She is a strong one!! xo Heather

  21. What a marvelous cake!

    I hope that the hearing tests provide some answers for Josie's hearing. She is very, very brave.

  22. I always wanted a cake like that! Lucky Josie to have such a creative Grandma. I hope you get to the bottom of her hearing problem. She really is a trooper!



  23. Looks like such a fun party! Love the idea at the zoo! One of our zoos that is close has parakeets that you can go in and do the same thing...that is so neat!! I love it! :) Hope sweet Josie is doing better, will keep her in my thoughts and prayers for a good recovery and some information on her hearing. xo Holly

  24. Looks like great fun celebrating Miss Josie's birthday! The zoo is my favorite!
    That cake is amazing! I'm glad miss Josie is recovering. Prayers for good news!

  25. I hope Josie had a wonderful birthday. Her cake was so amazing and cute! So sorry she is having trouble with her hearing. Hugs for little Josie.

    xo Danielle


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