September 3, 2014

Sneak peeks...

I haven't had a chance to take many pictures of last weekend's estate sale goodies, but here's a sneak peek of a few of my favorite Halloween finds.

I also added a few more Halloween dessert picks to my collection.

In other acquisitions, Emma is now the proud owner of her first used car.

She saved every penny of her babysitting money to purchase this vehicle.  

She's now driving herself to and from high school obligations. She's certainly not missing the 6:40 school bus. Josie is still riding the school bus and absolutely loving her 3rd grade teacher.

She's looking every so stylish with her estate sale Snoopy lunchbox.

Yes.  I'm secretly reliving my childhood with Josie's lunchbox and thermos.


  1. Way to go Emma, that's a lot of babysitting! (Too bad you don't live closer, I know two toddlers I would like to give away right now, LOL).

    Also, how in hades can she be driving and stuff already? Man.

  2. Fun candles, I've never seen the cat before! Congrats to Emma and that lunch box is way cool:@)

  3. Good for her to earn her car! I also had to pay for my own car and learn how to change the oil!
    LOVE the vintage halloween candles. I see a kitty! COOL!

  4. Love your Halloween finds, so darling!

    Hurray Emma! How great she was able to save and buy her own first car! (I had the misfortune of having to take a school bus to school at a ridiculous hour too and it's a wonderful day when you don't have to do that anymore!)

    Love the Snoopy lunch box - when I was little my dad and I would read Peanuts together every day.

    Happy week to you!

  5. Congratulations to Emma - what an accomplishment! Lucky Josie with the cute Snoopy lunch box :)

  6. Love your Halloween finds!

    Way to go, Emma! I bet she is over the moon and you must be so proud of her!

  7. Proud of Emma. I earned my own money for my first car too. Great experience. Glad Josie likes her teacher. I have three third grader grandkids.
    Thanks for your sweet comment. I'm getting better.

  8. Quite and accomplishment for Emma and the car...when you have to fork over your own money I think you appreciate if even more!

  9. Good for Emma! You are preparing her well for real life. Josie looks so cute all decked out at the bus stop.

    It is amazing how much great Halloween stuff you find. :)

  10. woohoo! yeah for Emma. thats awesome. I love when teenagers work and save money for the things they want. Mine all did the same. And the icing on the cake... driving themselves to school!
    Im sort of missing that back to school feeling here.. but, I'll get over it! LOL!
    have a great day Kimmie!

  11. That is so awesome for Emma! She must be super proud (and you too!).

    I need to find some Halloween picks. I don't think I have many and I love to display them in old jars during the appropriate holiday. Big antique fair this weekend in the neighboring town. I'm on the hunt!


  12. Congratulations Emma! What a great car. Loving that lunch box too and all those gurley candles and cake decorations. Love collecting those but so hard to find at sales here. Have a great day!

  13. Good for Emma . . .
    Nice ride for a "first car!"
    (Fun Halloween finds . . .)
    Snoopy lives on and on . . . my Suzie's favorite!

  14. New to your blog. So jealous of your halloween goodies!!

  15. Love your Halloween candles, Emma's car (way to go Emma!) and that lunchbox and thermos -- beyond adorable! How do you do it all? And do it so well!! So happy that Josie likes her teacher -- makes such a big difference, doesn't it!

  16. Sweet goodies!! Congrats to Emma! I remember my first car! And, Josie's lunchbox is the sweetest! xo Heather

  17. Congrats Emma! That's one smart girl :) I'm sure she takes after her mommy! Cool Snoopy, he was always one of my favorites! I can't wait to start decorating with the halloween goodies that I have collected!

  18. Oh, congratulations to Emma on getting a car! I can't even begin to fathom how stressed I'll be when my kids start driving. But even just from your blog I'm able to tell that Emma is a responsible girl- I hope I can be that lucky!


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