February 23, 2015

Making the most of the winter...

Like many parts of the country, we've had record cold negative temps. 
 On Sunday, we had a heat wave of 18 degrees and we took a stroll in the woods behind our home.
The snow was deep and it was quite the workout, especially for Josie.

 We even managed to balance the camera on a tree branch to take a family photo.   Getting all four of us in the same photo, rarely happens. 
 More record cold temps are in the forecast for the rest of this week. Stay cozy.

March is nearly here!


  1. It's raining here, which feels very wintery. I hope it warms up soon for you all. It looks beautiful, but soooo cold. i cant quite imagine how cold. You all are the sweetest family! Many blessings this week.

  2. Brrrr! Love your sweet positive attitude about the weather! So ready for spring -- the cold just goes on and on and on! Happy Monday!

  3. Brrrrrr....I am so tired of winter.
    Love the pictures of you and your family.
    I can't see a word I am typing for some reason-so excuse any mistakes!

  4. Such a different world with all that snow you guys have been having, Not a flake of that white stuff here. (and sorta wish we had had some) Spring and March are right around the corner...

  5. I love it that you guys do so much as a family. We lived out in the woods when I was a kid and I loved exploring in the Winter - tracks, berries, etc. It was so pretty. It snowed here just the teensiest bit this morning.

  6. Brrrr....lovely but it looks cold. We are finally getting a little rain here, to bad you can't ship us some of that snow, we could really use it!

  7. Yep... I'm ready for spring! Nice family pic:@)

  8. Brrr...great family photo!
    I'm so ready for spring!!

  9. I love the family photo! It is beastly cold out there, so you too stay warm and cozy. Throw another log on the fire. :-)

  10. Walking in the woods sounds like fun, but not sure about those chilly temperatures. We had flurries today, but it got up to a balmy 34!

    Great photo! Good going on getting all 4 of you in. :)

  11. Dear me! I don't think I could survive in -12 degrees!!
    Good for you for getting a photo of all four of you- we probably haven't had a full family photo for at least a year!
    Emma looks gorgeous in that last photo!

  12. So hard to imagine for us. Stay warm! Spring is around the corner :)

  13. Winters like the last two have me dreaming of moving to Arizona with Sandy and Meri...It was -16 here this morning but a cardinal was in the back yard singing his little heart out! At least somebody likes it...

  14. Oh this weather! How we will loved and enjoy spring when it finally arrives! Beautiful pictures of a lvely family kim!
    Stay warm girlfriend!

  15. This weather is ridiculous! Glad you got to get out for a bit while it was balmy :) I keep thinking I should have booked a trip to Florida and I could be sitting on the beach right about now!

  16. It sure is cold out there!! I'm hoping for some warmer weather soon! Great photos of the pretty winter and the family picture is so cute! :) Stay cozy warm, I've heard its suppose to be getting really cold the rest of the week here, and probably there for you guys! xo Holly

  17. Holy smokes! The weather is crazy this year! Eighteen degrees feels like a heat wave here too! Love, love, love how you embrace winter and your new family picture too. So cute! Stay warm!

  18. In one week it's suppose to be 64 here, can't wait


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