March 2, 2015

Change of plans...

30 minutes after we arrived to our A-frame Friday night, we discovered the lines coming from the well into the cottage were frozen.
We packed everything back up, ate dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, and headed home again.  Good thing we only live 40 minutes away. 
  Instead of winter adventures at the lake, we had winter adventures at home.  
Last year, we officially closed the backyard ice rink March 13, 2014.  
Based on long term weather forecasts, I'm guessing we will be breaking that record.  
 Any bets on the last outdoor skate date of 2015?


  1. I guess April 5th. I think that's also Easter, so the girl could be hunting for Easter eggs in the snowbanks :)

  2. Goodness Kim, winter really is quite a long affair for all you gals up north, but at least you've found a way to enjoy it!! I hope all your pipes at the A- frame will be fine when they have thawed. Here's wishing you warmer temps soon!
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  3. I am so glad you have that ice rink for the kids. They will remember this all their adult lives. xo Diana

  4. Oh no....with the frozen pipes! It's a good thing you do live so close! Love your ice skating pictures!! I'm hoping not to much later than March 13th! Lol. Hope you have a great week ahead!! xo Holly

  5. Maybe 2 more weeks? Are the whole month of March? Hope things are ok at the cabin when you get back! Enjoy your week sweet friend. I sure love your banner with the dollhouses! Hugs!

  6. I'm not going to guess but I will say I packed up all my snowmen this morning! Yep, this Philly Girl is throwing in the towel and ready for spring:@)

  7. Ack, frozen pipes, the bane of winter. Sorry you missed your weekend at the A-frame but looks like lots of fun was had skating. How about March 31st? :)

  8. Bummer about the pipes...
    Hmm...I'm hoping that winter will be done before Easter! I'm so ready for spring.

  9. It snowed last night in the mountains close to our home. I think we missed it by about 500 feet. Your ice skating fun is just wonderful! Hopefully, you will have a warm Easter celebration.

  10. That is too bad about your pipes, Kim! We were so thankful that all was well with our house when we got home yesterday. I have not missed all this snow and cold! Yep, I bet you will break a record this year with your ice rink. My guess is March 19th:)

  11. Oh sorry to hear about the pipes. I'm sure you all still had fun though. We are buried in snow also. More later, 7" more Thursday..never ending. Spring is coming!

  12. Such a nice ice rink! And in your backyard. I guess our equivalent is the pool :)

  13. I don't want to guess a date in case I jinx you with my prediction and winter goes on and on and on.

  14. What a bummer! However, it looks like you made the most of your winter weekend!

    April 1 is my guess. Hurry up, spring!


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