May 13, 2015

Mid-week check-in...

I know I've been missing-in-action. MAY is my crazy time with organizing and teaching faculty development workshops and with the addition of Josie's evening softball league and "life-in-general", the blog updating or blog visiting hasn't been as frequent.  I'll catch up.  I promise.
The biggest event this week is that Emma will be celebrating a very important birthday on Sunday.
 My baby is going to be 17 on the 17th!   How did that happen?
We're hosting a "Hunger Games" themed birthday party for a bunch of her friends at the end of the month. The party details haven't quite been worked out yet.  I've never read any of the books, or watched the movie series, so this should be interesting, but I'm up for the party challenge!    

Happy Wednesday.


  1. I can totally relate, Kim. Alex is going to be 19 and Maddie 13. Time flies! I wish I could slow it down.


  2. I know the party will be a huge success! I, too, wonder where the time has gone! xo Nellie

  3. Wow -- Happy Golden Birthday to your sweet Emma!!

  4. Your daughter has grown up so much in the 4 years I have been blogging. It's kind of a bittersweet experience watching our children grow and move away us a dance step at a time. She's lovely!

  5. The Golden Birthday! I can't believe Emma is getting that old..and we never change a bit! Enjoy all the craziness that May brings and don't let it overwhelm. Happy Day.

    PS I've got Ben at 23 and Kate at in their 20s makes a parent feel old!

  6. Enjoy your fun & busy month. You know we will be here waiting when you get back on schedule. Love the pics of you & Emma, so sweet! Her theme party sounds great...keep on having fun!

  7. Her "golden" birthday!! Very special.
    Really, one of these days, come and visit me and a few other bloggers. I have a guest room and lots of craft things! LOL!!

  8. Happy Birthday to Emma! I love the photos too...time flies! Have FUN! Hugs, Diane

  9. Happy B-Day to Emma! Enjoy the party planning:@)

  10. Happy birthday to Emma! I can hardly believe she's almost 17! What a beautiful young woman she's become:)

  11. happy birthday to your beautiful Emma! wow.. 17 already. It goes by so fast. she is lovely Kim. Have fun planning her party. Im sure it will be perfectly special for her.

  12. Emma was such a cute little girl! And has grown into such a stunning bigger girl (don't want to say lady yet!!). Can't wait to see what you do with a party. You really should read the series- they are extremely engrossing books- I couldn't put them down!

  13. Yes, I know what you mean. They do grow up fast! Emma is gorgeous in that pretty blue dress! :)

  14. 17!!! That's huge! I love The Hunger Games. That should be a fun time. You could probably get away without feeding the kids to go with the theme and all :)

  15. BTW, have you seen the lake/cabin themed summer stuff they have at JoAnn Fabrics!!! Very cute stuff!

  16. Happy Birthday to Emma! That will be a challenging party but I bet it will be incredible! Summer is coming!

  17. Kim,,
    I am so far behind on my posts, comments and following . . . Forgive me for not wishing Emma a timely Happy 17 on the 17th, how cool!!!
    I hope it was a happy day for her . . .


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.