June 1, 2015

Plan B

As I had hinted on Friday, Emma's Hunger Games themed bday party was dependent on the outdoors.
Mother nature didn't want to cooperate on Saturday so we used our backup plan...the gym at one of Chris's elementary schools.

 Each girl also got a special t-shirt memorializing the event.
Josie was happy to model it for us.

 Our local bakery came through with the most amazing cake.
Emma has such a nice group of girlfriends. 
 It was a very busy and full weekend.
The end of the school year is upon us.  Yippee!  Have a great week, friends.


  1. This looks amazing! I especially love the shirts, those are so cool! You throw the best parties!

  2. What a great party! It's always smart to have a plan B!Maggie

  3. I've often thought you should be a professional party planner. So many great ideas! I can't believe how much the girls have grown since I started following your blog. Time really goes by way too fast. It's a bittersweet feeling.

  4. You are so smart to have another plan! Looks like fun! LOVE the tee shirts! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. fun! I've read all the books and have seen the movies. I love YA fiction. :)

  6. Very cool! Looks like everyone had a great time:@)

  7. What a great theme for a party. Good to have connections to get into the school, hah. Josie looks so cute modeling the shirt. Emma is a beautiful girl. Happy Birthday to Emma. School ended here on Friday.

  8. Are you kidding? There were even T-shirts???
    lol I can't even imagine how much fun this was!
    Great Job!

  9. How great that you were able to do it in the school. PERFECT! Another great party and I love the Tshirts! Happy almost-end-of-the-school-year! xo Diana

  10. Happy belated birthday, Emma! It was cold and rainy here too. Sounds like plan B was a hit!!

  11. That's an awesome Plan B! Glad to see all the girls made it out of the games alive :)

  12. Happy birthday to your sweet gal! What a fun party too!

  13. It is very good to have a "Plan B!" Sorry you couldn't go with the original plan. Happy Birthday again to Emma! xo Nellie

  14. Absolutely adorable blog you have shared and amazing pictures captured!! I also need to book a professional photographer for party venues in Houston. It’s our 25th wedding anniversary and we are throwing a grand party.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.