August 3, 2015

Beauty over the lake...

A busy month awaits preparing for fall semester at my university. The appointments and meetings are plentiful.
We've had some gorgeous sunrises recently at our Aframe.
Mr. Moon has been putting on equally lovely showing.

Remember to take time to enjoy all of nature's beauty around you.


  1. Very beautiful! And I hope you have a good week my friend. I know you'll be ready for some creative time soon...and time at your cabin! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Gorgeous scenery! It seems that busy times are all around us! Summer's last hurrah has been had around here as teachers reported for their first day today! Students follow next Monday! xo Nellie

  3. Very nice pics! Enjoy the peaceful times at the lake:@)

  4. Just beautiful Kim! So glad you captured the beauty!
    Have a great week,

  5. I finally got my computer working again so now I can comment.

    It sounds as if you have had such a nice summer between your trip and the cabin, what lovely memories you have made. I wish you all a good return to back to your various schools.

  6. so purty! what a great place to enjoy your summer!
    have a great week kimmie

  7. I've never been to Michigan - but your lovely pictures and stories make me want to visit the lakes some day! Beautiful pictures! I don't want to go back to work at all. 4 more weeks of crafty creative fun for me!

  8. Those photos would make incredible postcards that would easily lure everyone to Michigan! Maggie

  9. Wow -- so pretty there!! Love these photos!

  10. Gorgeous Kim! I would never want to leave there, it looks so serene.

  11. Oh my word! I want to move in! It's soooo pretty there!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.