September 29, 2015

My 2015 Halloween tree reveal!

With the next few weekends packed with Emma's marching band competitions and cross country invitationals, I decided to make the most of a nearly empty weekend and start unpacking a few of my orange Halloween storage tubs. 

I spent most of the weekend decorating my Halloween tree.
Handmade ornaments mixed with lots of vintage Halloween picks and special treasures, fill the branches.

For those of you who have followed me as long as I've been blogging, you know that our family {loves} Halloween!

 NOT the icky, scary, gross-kind of Halloween, but the fun, vintage, Orange and Black Halloween!

This year, marks our 24th annual Halloween party.

 As you can see, my Halloween tree is extra full this year.

Boy, I love it so!!  Happy "early" Halloween!


  1. Lol! I am so with you...Halloween is Orange and Black! I am not thrilled with fluorescent green and eyes seek out orange and black as soon as I enter a store. (I do it with red at other times of the year, at thrift stores and such.) I love your tree and one day I may do one that size in my kitchen. Since I always jump the gun crafting-wise, I will have plenty of time to create lots and lots of ornaments. You have restored my flagging holiday spirit. George has been working out of town the last three weeks and I'm having a hard time staying motivated.

  2. Your house at Halloween and Christmas is THE BEST! I haven't done much for Halloween since I started selling at an October sale. Too busy before and too tired after. But, maybe this year!

  3. Kim,
    I love your Tree!!! But you know that I would . We do love to decorate our trees, don't we?
    I lost our internet for several days so I will be by later to see what I missed...


  4. You indeed help make Halloween such a delightful time of the year.
    Love your tree!

  5. It looks great! Love the plastic faced witches and vintage graphics with glitter-enjoy <|:@)

  6. You can enjoy it longer...and your Halloween tree is AWESOME!!

  7. It's amazing that you were able to carve out some week-end time to set out those lovely trims! I know this is a very busy time for both your girls! xo Nellie

  8. I look forward to your Halloween craziness each year and ONE OF THESE YEARS I am going to show up at that party!

  9. I just love seeing your vintage Halloween things. Your tree is very cute. Have fun with your family and friends!

  10. I love seeing your tree and all the creations on it. Amazing! This is such a fun time of year! Every year it gets better and better. :) Love ya!

  11. Kim, it is all so fab! I especially love your blog this time of year. Can't wait to see more. :)

  12. I love it too. I wish we had room to put a tree like that. Such cute ornies!

  13. 24 years!!! That's even before kids :) It seems like you were just packing Halloween stuff away last year and now it's time again. I vote to leave Halloween up all year round!

  14. Love, love, love your Halloween tree! I am decorating early too since we are hosting our fall fiesta this weekend!

  15. Nobody does a Halloween tree like you do, Kim. Are you having a Halloween party again this year? I bet Josie is already getting excited. My 3 year old grandson wants to go as a Not a race car DRIVER-he wants to be the CAR. xo Diana

  16. Your tree looks great I think if I had a larger house I would decorate more then I do.. but I sure love all the Seasons, thanks for sharing~

  17. Love the little dolly witch in the first photo, and the cardboard kitty wall pin-ups! I'm too busy thinking about upcoming birthdays (3 in the next couple weeks) to even think about Halloween yet!

  18. Oh my goodness, I absolutely LOVE it! I love Halloween too, it is so fun to decorate for. Your vintage decorations are always so fun to see. Thanks so much for sharing and have a great weekend,

  19. Your Halloween tree makes me smile and smile! So many cute ornaments to see.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.