September 9, 2015

Off to the races...literally!

Everyone is back to school...FINALLY! 

 It was a rainy start for the girls first day, but everyone came home fairly happy.

 Emma decided to join cross country her senior year.

Gotta give her credit for trying a new sport which also happens to have competitions the same day as marching band invitationals.

 Every weekend is going to be a juggling act. But, she's so darn organized that I know she'll pull it off.

It's going to be a busy senior year.  I can't believe I'm even typing that. Happy September, everyone!   


  1. Hi there friend. Sorry, I seemed to fallen off the bloggy earth for awhile. And it may jut happen again.
    The girls are just so beautiful. Warning senior year is terribly busy. It can also be sad. The last of this and this. Then if you return to the school the next year all those seniors being out in the world, they are missed. But, enjoy it all. There are even more exciting things to enjoy in the future.
    Love your new doll house. I read back a few posts since I have been so absent. I missed one at the doll auctions I go to. Someone bid $5 and the auctioneer said sold. I was going to big. Yep, $5.
    I did get a wooden dollhouse at the last auction. I sold all the furniture inside as it was a mis match of things. As soon as the weather turns cool I plan on restoring it the best I can.
    Back to my life of a new puppy, two sick moms and now a BIL too. Also an older family friend that has only me to care for her as her sons are out of state. There are even more things going on but I won't bore you. It's okay and it's going to be okay. Hugs

  2. Wishing all four of you a great school year:@)

  3. Hi Kim,
    Yes, that Senior year will just fly right on by. But I know you will make the most of every moment and every memory. :) Good for Emma for going out for Cross Country, she is just such a beautiful girl and your other daughter is a cutie too!
    Nice hearing from you again,

  4. Here's to a good first day of school, and a good year! Wow, Emma is starting cross country, great. We've watched her grow to a lovely young woman. Josie is so cute under her umbrella. I am ready for some fall!

  5. Run Emma Run! :) Wow -- she's going to have a fun and exciting senior year -- how can that be possible!!! Have a great year K girls!

  6. I love cross country! Many a fond memory of watching the meets when Ben ran. Good for Emma to adding that to her senior year. It is gong to go fast!
    happy school year.

  7. Oh, the girls are growing up so much! Josie looks so sweet and so much older this year! And Emma, as always, is just gorgeous. I tried cross country my senior year, too- let's just say that wasn't a very good idea, since I'd never been a runner before. Oh well, I tried! Hopefully Emma's experience will be better than mine was!!

  8. I hope the girls have a great school year!

  9. This was my first week back to school with my kinder-kids. They are such eager little learners. I bet you can remember like yesterday when your girls began kindergarten. I know your family will ENJOY this Senior year. Blessings - Patti

  10. Kim,
    The girls are just stunning and I can not beleive that it is Emma's senior year.....



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