March 24, 2009

Butterflies Are Blooming!!

Tuesday night Frederik Meijer Gardens is open late. We quickly ate dinner and met my sister and her family to enjoy the tropical butterfly exhibit.

Although we don't have snow on the ground, it's not quite spring temperatures outside and getting inside the conservatory feels like an amazing escape far away from Michigan.

The butterfly exhibit has more than 40 different species from the Far East, Africa and Central America. Very cool.

Throughout the tropical conservatory, butterflies can be found drinking nectar from the flowering plants and feeding stations.

It was such a joy watching the kids try to spot butterflies hiding among the plants.

I'm so glad we were able to sneak away on a school night to the exhibit. There were very few folks and it felt like we had the exhibit all to ourselves.

Thanks for meeting up with us Aunt Michelle, Uncle Pat,Carson & Liam. It was so much fun.

PS. I've got a HUGE stack of fingerpainting projects from Josie's daycare that I've been accumulating. I'm going to turn them into an Easter mural later this week. Hang onto your child's artwork. I've got another easy craft coming soon.


  1. what a beautiful place to visit!!! We have a botanical gardens here in our town. I need to take my kids to see the butterflies too!!! They'll love it!! Thanks for all the great pictures!!! Glad spring is on it's way for ya!!

  2. Hee hee. I LOVE the picture of Josie the caterpillar!! Soo cute.
    Beautiful pictures that make me so very anxious for some warm (hot!) weather!!

  3. what fun....I think we will take the kids again this weekend too....especially if it's not nice out....


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