March 22, 2009

Weekend Highlights

Emma's lipsync Friday night was a HUGE success. It was a fairly long show (2.5 hours). Emma's act wasn't until the 2nd half and near the end of the venue. Miss Josie was extremely BUSY throughout the evening. It was a full contact sport keeping her contained (kinda reminds me of our church services...whew). Thank goodness it was loud and her behavior was muffled with the clapping, loud music and singing. Chris bought the girls roses for their performance.

Emma, you are one brave girl for getting on stage each year. We're so proud of you!!

On Saturday, I celebrated Kimberely's adoption shower. Thank you for hosting such a lovely shower, Kelly.

I've hinted that I've been working on some special home made gifts. Her little girl is waiting for her in Beijing. I put together items that we had collected while we were in Beijing into a shadowbox.

I also made party favors for all the guests. I've been enjoying decorating paper cups with crepe paper and filled each one with a fortune cookie, Hersey's chocolate kisses and a hand-painted Chinese girl.

I used wooden beads to make the Chinese little girls. I just love painting their sweet faces.

I also gave Kimberley an Asian doll and my mother helped me paint a doll bed and sew linens.

Every little girl needs a doll and doll bed. Josie got the same doll for Christmas from FAO and it goes everywhere with us.

Congratulations, Kimberely. I can't wait to follow your journey to China.

While I was at Kimberely's shower, Chris got the spring FEVER bug and organized several closets in our house. Our kitchen cupboards, bathroom cupboards and the front closet look amazing. He's now on a mission to clear out basement and I think I see a garage sale in our near future. I don't know many husbands who would spend their Saturday afternoon cleaning while the NCAA tournament is in full swing. You're the best, sweetie.

This picture was taken this morning before church. I got out a couple of Easter rabbits and Josie was absolutely intrigued with them. What a silly little girl.

Have a wonderful week, everyone.


  1. Sounds like you had a super fun and crazy busy weekend!
    Great job Emma! I hope you can post a video of the performance soon.
    I love baby showers. (Especially when they are for me!) I know your friend must be SO excited. LOVE the shadow box and favors you made. You are an awesome friend.

  2. Oh!!!!! The little painted China dolls are so darling!!! I also love your blog look with the cute owls and your girls' chalk artwork...too cute! Have a great week, too! ; )

  3. Good Job, Emma!!
    Kim, the wooden chinese girls are adorable!! I would love more detailed instructions!!
    Spring has left us again today her in good ol' Wyoming, and we are all home while a mean Spring blizzard is howling outside...
    Love, Barb

  4. I didn't know you and Kimberely lived by eachother--how neat! Great job on the shower, btw!

    I'm glad you guys are finally getting some warm weather. I know you were ready!

  5. I love the Chinese are so talented!

  6. You are truly an amazing person. Thank you so much for everything. The doll bed is in our living room. Your doll and Fancy Nancy are resting in it until Sophia comes home. The shadow box is on her dresser. I know that it is something she can display all her life, the photos just really don't capture is priceless. Somehow I was lucky enough to get two of the little wooden girls, they are darling. You worked so hard to do something special for me and my daughter and I want you to know that I appreciate it so much.

  7. Wow----what an amazing baby shower! I am so in awe of your amazing talent. I can just imagine how much time it took to do all of that. What a "stupendous" (as Fancy Nancy would say)friend you are!
    Emma, congratulations on the successful performance! Halie is going to be in a talent show Thursday night for the Relay for Life. You girls have SO much in common!

  8. WHOO HOO!!! Spring is finally coming your way!!! I'm so glad for you guys!! By the way..that is a beautiful picture of you and your friend at the shower. SO PRETTY!!! I LOVE all your crafty things for the shower. You are SO creative!! I don't know what to think about you and guys just amaze me!!! Oh...and tell your hubby if he's in that spring cleaning come on to Alabama!! We've got LOTS to keep him busy around here! How wonderful that he did that on a Saturday!! What a blessing!! Have a great week!
    Love ya,


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