April 29, 2009

Chicken Pox!!

Josie's napping and I can share our latest health issue. Yes. You read that correctly, Josie's napping, I'm home and it's in the middle of a work day. Did you know you can get the chicken pox even with the vaccine?

I noticed last night when giving Josie a bath that she had developed little red dots all over her stomach and back. I hadn't switched detergent, soap or lotion recently, but was still hoping it wasn't anything significant. Our family doctor confirmed that Josie has chicken pox and needs to be out of daycare the remainder of the week. Nothing like juggling full-time work with a sick child...sigh.

On a happier note, a firetruck visited Josie's daycare last week. I'm so glad they shared pictures with us.

Anyone else ready for the weekend already? I'm still dreaming about that plane ticket to Tahiti.


  1. ARGH! Two of my kids got the chicken pox despite having had the vaccine, also. Poor you!! Hang in there! :)

  2. I recently heard that too!! Kind of like...what's the point of the vaccine if you're still going to deal with them anyway! :) Hoping she has a light case of them and you all can get back to normal! :)

  3. I'm glad she is getting it now - that way she'll be protected properly into her adult years!! I know that sounds kind of mean, but I really do have issues with the chicken pox vaccine (but have three kids vaccinated nontheless!), and am wondering if the "protection" doesn't give us a false sense of security.
    Get some rest, and I hope Josie will feel better quickly!
    Love, Barb

  4. Sorry to hear about the chicken pox, but frankly hope it comes to our house/neighborhood as I am not a believer in the vaccine and need to expose the boys. Yeah some things in science don't make practical sense.

    Hope it passes quickly!

  5. Yuck. Sure hoping that my girls (who have had the vaccine) don't come down with chickenpox from their big brother...I don't need or want that!

    But, you get some time off to spend with your girl, that's gotta be fun!

  6. Oh no!!!!! Hang in there!!!!

  7. I can't believe it! Well, maybe I can as Ethan got the Mumps while we were visiting my family in Austin. Same story about having been vaccinated. Luckily it was a mild condition and only lasted 72 hours from start to finish. We had him quarantined in one room, with seven cousins running around - yeah, right! Luckily, we were able to travel home on schedule. Hang in there! xo, C

  8. Gah, chicken pox even with the vax torture! We skipped that one and now I dont feel so bad about doing so.


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