May 1, 2009

Not letting chicken pox slow us down...

Although Josie has been quarantined to the house with her chicken pox, we're still staying busy. Chris and I have been taking turns juggling Josie duty with our full-time work. Luckily, Josie's red bumps haven't spread much further (they are mostly confined to her stomach and back). Her set of bumps actually seem rather light compared to what I remember as I child when I got chicken pox in Kindergarten. Maybe that vaccine did benefit her after all. She should be back to daycare on Monday. Woo hoo!!

This is how Josie stays busy at home:

Have a tea party!

Stamp paper!

Create things with Play-doh!

Assist Mom with vacuum duty after making things with Play-doh!

Emma's girlfriend birthday party is next Saturday. It got pushed up a few weeks and at night I've been quickly getting decorations assembled for her tropical themed event. Today's featured craft would also be a great way to decorate a gift bag for Mother's Day. Once again, I used left over artwork from Josie's daycare (she brings home finger paint drawings at least 3 times a week), but you could use any kind of decorative paper.

Gift bags
Glitter (optional)
Recycled artwork or any decorative paper (including wrapping paper or construction paper)

Step 1. Cut out flower shapes from decorative paper. Did you know that if you fold your paper into quarters, you can cut out four shapes at the same time? This saves loads of time.

Step 2. Glue your flower shape onto a decorative gift bag. Place the second flower turning it slightly so that you can see the petals of the first flower showing through and glue down the second flower on top of the first flower.

Step 3. Jazz up your flower with a few drops of glue and glitter. This step is totally optional. I just happen to love glitter.

This is a super easy craft and would make a perfect birthday or Mother's day gift bag. Emma's friends will be getting these bags to tuck their birthday party favors into.

Have a good weekend, everyone! Can you believe it's actually May? Maybe we'll finally see warm weather this month!


  1. Oh how horrible that Josie has the chicken pox, did not know that you can get it even with the vaccine.
    it seemed that you kept her busy. hope she feels better.

  2. Those bags are really cute--how creative you are!! Josie is stinkin' cute--chicken pox or not. :) Hope you all can get outside this weekend since you can't pass chicken pox to someone else outside!

  3. You know, Kim, Miss Josie is going to be a crafter just like her Mommy!!!
    Love, Barb


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.