April 5, 2009

Me and My Shadow...

The girls spent their first day home during spring break with Daddy. They had a lovely time building a fort out of pillows and blankets. Josie adores Emma. Ever since our first day together in China, she's looked to Emma for comfort and amusement. She mirrors EVERYTHING Emma does.

Check out this video of the girls during lunch today. Josie is imitating everything that Emma is doing.

I can't wait to be home with them on Thursday and Friday this week.

The dress that Josie is modeling was originally Emma's dress. I'm so glad we hung onto a few of her special outfits. The smocking features little bunnies.

Here's a sneak peek at Emma's Easter outfit.

In one of my many Target steals, I picked up a hat from their dollar bin and hot glued a silk flower and ribbon to jazz it up. I swear my glue gun is never turned off in my house. Who knows if Josie will actually wear it on Easter, but you can bet I'm going to try and get a few pictures of her wearing it with her Easter dress.

In case you want an Easter coloring page to print for your kiddos, this site has a vintage bunny coloring page that's really sweet.

I have a subscription to Family Fun magazine and their website features a slew of great Easter egg decorating techniques. I can't wait to include Josie in our egg decorating traditions. Last year, we were in Guangzhou for Easter. In all our chaos, the Easter Bunny failed to show up in China (oops). You can bet that won't be happening this year.

PS. West Michigan missed out on the latest snow storm. Yippee. By the weekend, we're suppose to be back up in the 50s. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'd love to take the girls to the zoo on Friday with their cousins.


  1. What cute photos! I love the bunny dress-adorable!

    Happy Easter (can't wait to see those eggs), :)

  2. Darn it! I can't get the video. I will keep working with my computer to see what is going on.
    I LOVE Emma's dress! SO BIG GIRL! It is so hard when they go from cute little dresses to teen ones.
    Josie looks so sweet in her smocked dress. Your girls are angels.
    Glad they are enjoying SB. I know Thursday can't come soon enough.

  3. I LOVE the dress with smocking! And the Eater hat :)

  4. Great video. Katelyn was giggling watching it. Love the Easter dresses!!!

  5. So what was in the Kool-aide!

    We just finished Spring break here, and I'll warn you, Our little man was heart-broken that the big boy went back to school without him.

  6. Funny thing---I tried one of those Target hats on Lili and it was WAY too small. She looked like Oliver Hardy (of Laurel and Hardy)!
    So, yeah, no go on the hat :)

    Have a wonderful spring break. Hoping for warmth by the end of the week too!

  7. Ahhhh...spring break! Don't cha just love it?!?! SO GLAD you've got warm weather coming!! LOVE Emma's easter outfit. Sophie's is similar. Sophie and I went shopping last night and she wanted to dress much more casual than I'd prefer...but...at least she likes it!! It's hard watching these girls grow up so quickly!! Anyway...too sweet to see Josie in Emma's dress and in that adorable hat too. you DID get a great find!! Well...better go. Working keeps me away from home MUCH more than I am used to. So, I've got quite a bit to do. I'll talk to you soon!
    Love ya,

  8. Your girls are so darn cute!!! Those Easter outfits will be just darling!


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