April 7, 2009

Reflections of Easter in China

Last year we celebrated Easter in Guangzhou, China. We were thrilled to find a Catholic church even if the entire service was spoken in Mandarin. Josie lasted only 20 minutes into the service before Emma and I had to take her outside to enjoy it from the back door. Despite the language barrier, it felt peaceful and familiar. I'd like to say we've made progress with Josie's busy behavior, but she's still very very active during mass.

Even though the Easter bunny might have forgotten to drop off a basket to our hotel room, the Lobby of the White Swan Hotel was decorated with golden eggs and bunnies.

This is a video shot in the lobby of the White Swan Hotel on Easter morning. I can't believe how much the girls have changed in one year.

I have one day left of work until I can be home with the rest of the family for spring break. I love this idea for putting together resurrection eggs to tell the Easter story.

Each one of these plastic eggs numbered 1-12 has a different object in it and it has 12 different visuals to tell the Easter story to children. They get to look at the enclosed object, learn about the message and read the corresponding scripture. On the last day the egg is empty, just like Jesus' tomb.

I'm going to put this together when I'm home from work on Thursday. I don't want to lose sight of the meaning of Easter (even though I look forward to the Easter bunny and loads of chocolate).

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!!


  1. How great to spend a holiday in China. I bet the church service was lovely.
    So neat to see the decorations in the White Swan, too.

    Have a wonderful Easter. Can't wait to see what the girls wear!

  2. Josie has grown so much in a year! I love the eggs! We have some, too. Madi has been dying to get her hands on them. I can't wait to share the story with her.

    Happy Easter!

  3. Hi Kim

    Wow is it hard to believe it has been a year!

    PS I teach a 3 year old class at church every Wednesday. We did this little egg exercise today...the kids loved it. What a great idea

  4. Love the White Swan video. Wow, it really takes me back to one year ago too! The girls have grown so much since the video.
    We walked past that very church early one morning. I cried as I heard them singing a familiar hymn. I will never forget that!

  5. Hard to believe that it's been a year!
    I hope your family has a wonderful Eater at HOME this year! And NO MORE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. OH, nice spelling. Of course I meant EASTER *sigh*


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