April 17, 2009

Random Cuteness

I'm home sick from work today. I have officially caught the Josie crud which is lots of coughing, no voice, and a fever. I never miss work (unless the girls are sick) and I'm a horrible patient. I'm still in my pjs and checking work email. The digital camera was sitting out and I thought I should clean off the memory card while I have the computer fired up.

Here are a bunch of random pictures from the last month:

Josie loves pounding her wooden pegs into this thing. I think we have a future construction worker on our hands. So far, she hasn't smashed any fingers.

Emma started theater classes at our local Civic Theater. She doesn't know a single person in her acting class but is really excited about it. We think she's very brave.

Another picture of Josie modeling her Easter hat. Perhaps we can try wearing her Easter outfit this weekend. Knock on wood, let's hope everyone is healthy enough to attend mass this Sunday.

Go Detroit Tigers!! We're ready for a better season!!

Here's one of my favorite videos. It's of the girls dancing in their lovely ballet tulle skirts. You can see in the video just how much Josie still adores her big sister.

Here's to a healthier weekend!!

PS. Please continue to pray for this family. They have a long road ahead of them. Their little Kate may be in Cardiology Unit for up to seven weeks. They have adopted multiple children from China and Guatemala. Their blog is both inspiring and fascinating. I'm feeling a special connection to this family. We're very close to celebrating our 1 year year anniversary of Josie's open heart surgery. This family is at the same hospital with the same staff that Josie had last April. It's bittersweet to review all their joys and struggles with open-heart surgery. It's certainly a life-changing experience and I'd do it all over again.


  1. I was afraid that you were next on the sick list! Well, at least you are at home resting. Feel well soon!

  2. LOVE the random pix!!! Way to go Emma for doing theater! I grew up doing theater and it has helped me SO MUCH in life!!! It'll be great experience for her!! I hope you feel better soon. TRY to enjoy a day off!!!

  3. Does anyone NOT have this sickness?! Jim has it here. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    I'm very impressed that Emma is taking theater. I've always tired to get my kids involved but they wouldn't have it.

  4. So sorry you're sick...we had it last week and I am still getting over it. Yucky!! Thank you for posting about our little Kate on your blog.

    Your girls (and your photos) are beautiful! Little Josie is precious (I am partial to heart babies!)

  5. I'll definitely be praying. Your kids are darling. Way to go Emma! Thanks for your comment on my blog! Have a blessed weekend!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.