April 15, 2009

Spring Weather & Prayer Request

Could it be possibly spring in West Michigan!! It's suppose to be in the 60s on Thursday and Friday. Bring it on!!!

Emma started outdoor soccer practice back up again this week. We need warm weather for those fun outdoor 90 minute practices and Saturday morning games. Come on warm weather!!

Josie brought home a handcrafted paper kite from daycare today.

They glued scraps of paper onto a triangle. Isn't it cute!! This kite is going to work with me tomorrow. My office bulletin board is filled with all kinds of lovely artwork.

Yesterday, I discovered a blog (thanks Tammy) that has me constantly checking back for progress reports. It belongs to a family who adopted a little girl from China with a very complicated heart condition. She has gone through surgery at the very same hospital with the exact same staff where Josie had her open-heart surgery. This family needs prayer. Please take a few minutes and pray for Kate's full recovery and for strength for her parents. You can find their blog here. I will always have a special place for heart children. This little girl is such a trooper. Her feisty spirit reminds me of Josie during her hospitalization last April.


  1. Hoping you get that Spring weather you've been wanting for so long!

    I was glad I found Karin's blog yesterday. My heart just breaks for little Kate. Thanks for passing it along.

  2. Thx for letting us know about this family. I'll check out their blog. SO glad that the warm weather is headed your way. Hope it stays warm!! :) Like the picture of Emma stretching!!! I need to do some stretching myself!!! Hope yall have a great week!
    Love ya,
    p.s. by the way...I posted some new pics on "sadies journey home". Just thought you'd like to check them out.

  3. I love the soccer photo....imagine, our soccer season is coming to an end here in south Georgia. State play-offs begin next week.

    Headed to check out Kate's story,


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.