May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

I'm in denial that I'm 41 today!!


  1. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day (: Josie is so cute!

  2. Happy Birthday~ I'll be 41 this year too!

  3. Happy birthday to you.
    Happy birthday to you.
    Happy birthday dear Kiiiimmmmm.
    Happy birthday to youuuuu (and many moooore)!

  4. Happy Birthday, my friend.
    Hey, it could be worse - one of my brothers is turning FIFTY today!!
    I hope you had a wonderful day!!

  5. Happy Birthday girl!!!! 41!!! That is a great number! No need to be in denial. You should be proud and hold your head high!!! I hope it was a special day!
    Love ya,

  6. Happy Birthday to you!!!! :) Being in your 40's is the best!! Truly.... You will love it. :)

  7. Happy birthday you young thing!

  8. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! I wish you many more birthdays filled with God's love and blessings!!!!


  9. Juni Shengri kui le..
    Juni Shengri kui le..

    Juni Shengri Kui leeeeeee.....

    JUNI Shengri Kui Le!

    Sorry I missed your birthday-- I have been on vacation!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Kim!

    I've been meaning to write you for several weeks now, but time keeps slipping by me. Look at your calendars and see if you have an evening open in the next couple of weeks to get the girls together. This week is bad for us, as we have a lot of things being done around the house which will be interrupting nap time, etc., but next week should be better for us.

    Again, I hope you have a lovely birthday. 41 is nothing! I'm in denial turning 45 this year!

    Susan & Maiya

  11. I meant "had" a lovely birthday ; )

  12. Happy BELATED B-day! Mine was June 5!

    I am trying to catch up on blogs!!! Sorry I haven't been around in a couple of weeks. You've been busy! Happy Anniversary too!

    I love the styrofoam idea! Brilliant!!!

    Glad your Mr. Mom is home by now! ;) Wish mine wasn't working 12 hours a day, but I am thankful he has a job though. Our HS is almost done. Hey, I couldn't help but think perhaps, just maybe someday you'll not have such and age gap b/t the girls? Keep on praying friend!!! Maybe that age gap is for a BIG reason you just don't know about yet. :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.