May 21, 2009


Last year at this time, I was home on family medical leave taking care of Josie. It was the first time in nearly nine years that I had been a stay-at-home Mom and it was a nice change of pace.

Although I don't miss the crazy night terrors that Josie was going though last May, I'd like to go back to my stay-at-home status. I'm burned out from work. My job has actually started creeping into my dreams at night and that really annoys me. Although my position at GVSU is year-round, Chris is nearly done with his K-12 school schedule and I can't wait. He's an awesome Mr. Mom.

I'm so ready for this long Memorial weekend. I'm going to soak up every opportunity to be with family.

I hope your holiday weekend is everything you need it to be. Rest. Relax. Remember to embrace your loved ones.


  1. Right back atcha' girl!!!
    Hugs, Jill

  2. Thanks Kim!! I hope your weekend is wonderful too!!!
    Love ya,

  3. I'm glad you're getting some much needed rest. Happy Memorial Day!

  4. Have a great weekend! soak it in!

  5. Oh How blessed to have some time with your children. They are both so beautiful. God has given you precious cargo so have fun and soak up the love they have for you. You can see it in their faces. God bless each of you this weekend.

  6. Hope your weekend is the best!! Try to relax and forget work for a while....... oooops! I sholdn't have reminded you!! Sleep peacefully my friend.

  7. We are having some amazing weather. I hope you all are having a great weekend!

  8. guess who ???? hey girl ... what a year we have had ... so glad we have journeyed together ... i do hope your work dreams turn into lying on the beach dreams ... hee hee ... love ya


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