June 16, 2009

Getting ready for a little R & R...

For the last seven years, we’ve rented a cottage for our annual family vacation. It sits up in the dunes and it has access to a private beach on Lake Michigan. We're leaving this weekend and I'm so ready to escape from my job for a bit of rest and relaxation.

It doesn’t have internet access or cell phone coverage and so I’ll be offline for awhile. I'm not going to miss my work email, but I'll definitely have blogging withdrawal. By the way, my sweet friend Kimberely is finally in China! You can find her blog here or click on the red shoes on the side of my blog.

During last year’s attempt at the cottage, we found out that Josie was extremely allergic to mosquitoes (she still is) and her night terrors were worse in this strange setting.

(What a little peanut last year...)

This year should be better, or at least I'm hoping for a very different experience. I’m ready for sandcastles, frigid lake water, mystery novels, and cool drinks.

Just a few more days left of work! I can't wait!!


  1. Just caught up on your blog, you have been having a great few weeks! So I will say "Happy B-day Josie!"
    "love the flowers" and "Have a great vaca" -Sarah

  2. Have a great time. It looks like a wonderful place. I will be looking forward to reading about your trip when you get back!

  3. what beautiful pictures. have fun!

  4. Sounds absolutely wonderful!!! Enjoy every minute!

  5. Sounds heavenly!! Have a great time--and I'm looking forward to more pics of the beach. :)

  6. Can I come with???
    I hope you guys will have a wonderful family vacation!!
    Love, Barb

  7. Have a wonderful time! Ava has allergic reactions to mosoquitos and bees. YEAH for Epi pens.

  8. That looks lovely, have a great time!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.