June 18, 2009

Meeting New Friends & Saying Bon Voyage!

On Wednesday we finally had the chance to meet Susan and Roger's daughter, Maiya. She's also a heart baby who came home from China in February. It was so much fun to get the girls together.

Aren't their matching sunglasses adorable?

Thanks for the darling bikini and sunglasses, Susan. We're looking forward to getting the girls together again in the near future. We are so blessed to live in a community with a large network of other adoptive families.

Our van is bursting with sand toys, beach clothes, mindless paperback books, and fun food. I’m looking forward to combing the beach for drift wood and interesting stones with my girls. I can almost hear the sound of the Lake Michigan waves pounding the beach.

Wishing you all a wonderful Father's Day Weekend. If you need any last minute printables for Father's Day (cards, coupon books..etc). HP has a great set of printable templates here.

Hooray to all of the wonderful Dads, Uncles, and Grandpa's in our lives.

Goodbye everybody. Talk to you in a week.


  1. Have a great vacation. Love the picture of the girls in their shades!

  2. Have a wonderful, relaxing, refreshing week!!
    Love, Barb

  3. Have a wonderful week Kim! The pic of the girls was adorable! I agree, it is so nice to live in a communtity with other adoptive families! Hope you come back fully rested!
    Hugs, Jill

  4. Great pictures...and have fun!!!

  5. I'm excited for you guys and your vacation time!! I hope it's a wonderful time!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!! Happy Father's day weekend!!
    love ya,

  6. Hope you are having a great time. You'll have to tell me how you found the cottage. I would love to do that with the kids!

    Ok....the two girls together and the picture with the sunglasses on????? They SERIOUSLY look like they could be sisters! I'd love to see a pic without the glasses!

    Talk with you soon.....

  7. Those sunglasses ARE the cutest on those two dolls!

    Just saw in your sidebar the little Red Mary Janes---I haven't kept up with her for awhile, but I can't believe they actually made it!! ; )

  8. Beautiful girls! have a great vacation. Blessings.

  9. Don't they look cute together! I'm one of Susan's China Sisters. I think Maiya is just it!!

  10. I have two heart babies from China -- one from Hangzhou, and one from Nanchang.

    Loved your post ;)

  11. Hi Chris, Kim, Emma, and Josie,

    Your posts are so entertaining! My name is Erin, and I am a college student with mild cerebral palsy. I’m a special education major and have hopes of becoming a disability services director of a university after graduate school. I have just launched a blog that is still getting started, but with the title “Empowering People and Changing Lives,” I hope that it will provide a wealth of resources for people who care for children, specifically those who are affected by disability. I will also be chronicling some personal experiences and will be sharing some thoughts about those along the way. Your blog has also been included in my blogroll, so I hope that together, we are able to collaborate to provide resources to those who are in similar situations. The blog’s address is http://empowerpeoplechangelives.blogspot.com. From there, you will be able to read the posts I have written, find out all about me, check out my blogroll, eventually look at many resources I have gathered, and contact me.

    Look forward to reading many more of your posts! Happy blogging!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.