June 7, 2009

Peonies & Party Hats

Our peonies are starting to bloom and they smell so sweet. Every year, these are the cutting flowers I look most forward to. Growing up, my Grandmother had a yard filled with these lovely flowers. Aren't they just take-your-breath-away beautiful? I’m going to fill a vase and bring them into my office for a bit of escapism.

Chris has been busy working in the yard and our flower gardens are really starting to come in nicely. Isn't this foxglove stunning?

Saturday's weather was beautiful and it was so nice to have the girls playing outside.

Josie's birthday is this week and I took some time on Saturday to work ahead on decorations. I took dollar store party hats and made them a bit fancier with scrapbooking paper and crepe paper ruffles. This craft was fairly easy to do and super cheap. All the supplies came from our local dollar store.

Supplies needed:

Scissors, glue, paper birthday hats, crepe paper, scrapbooking paper, decorative ribbon (optional) stapler and pencil.

Step 1. Take apart the paper birthday party hat and lay it on a piece of scrapbooking paper and trace around it with a pencil.

Step 2. Cut out the party hat tracing and glue onto the party hat.

Step 3. After the paper has dried, staple the hat back together to form the cone.

Step 4. To make the crepe paper ruffle, draw a line of glue around the edge of the party hat and lay the crepe on top. Bunch the paper to form a ruffle and continue working around the hat.

Step 5. Take a decorative ribbon and glue that on top of the paper ruffle. Feel free to embellish your party hat further with stickers.

Make sure to allow your party hat to dry for at least 30 minutes. The crepe paper ruffles tend to be a bit sticky until they dry completely.

Have a great week, everyone. My in-laws will be arriving Sunday afternoon to help watch the girls while Chris is in Tampa this week. I wonder what kind of adventures they will have while I'm at work? Stay tuned for pictures.


  1. The Garden is beautiful, can Chris make a trip down here to help with ours?! Happy Early Birthday to Josie, Can't believe how time flies. She just glows!

  2. Happy Birthday this week Josie! And your flowers are beautiful!

  3. Peonies are my absolute FAVORITE flower! So shabby chic.

    Happy Birthday to Josie! Can't wait to see pics of the birthday girl.

    Have great week.

  4. Darling hats....you have to be the craftiest person I know! ;) Can't wait to see pics of Josie's b-day! ;)

    Have a great week.....we leave Friday for Maui! woo-hoo baby!

  5. beautiful flowers!!!! What day is Josie's b'day? Sadie's is this week as well...June 9th. We decided a couple of years ago that we were not doing big parties until big number b'day's. So, until then...it's just family. When 10, and 13 and 16 and 18 comes...then we'll do parties. We did them every year with Sophie until Silas got here and thought..there is NO WAY we can keep this up. And it got even more obvious when Sadie got here. So...we just keep it small. WE did a little somethign tonight for Sadie. Cant wait to see pix from Josie's day!!! Better go. "YAWN!!" I'm sleepy! Talk toyou soon!!!

  6. Gorgeous flowers and waaay cute party hats! :) If you cut the peonies, aren't they covered with ants?

    Happy Birthday to sweet Josie!!!

  7. I love the party hats. What a great idea!

  8. Any chance hubby liked those two photos on my blog? Wink, wink...

  9. You are so creative - you always amaze me!!! Have a fun week!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.