June 3, 2009

That's a wrap!!

On Thursday, Emma finished up her Civic Theater classes. Chris and I are thrilled that she wants to continue acting. She will be involved in another set of classes in July which ends with a performance of "The Aristocats".

Drum roll please…

Today marks Emma's last day of fifth grade and Chris is packing up his school social work office for the summer!! In a few days, Chris jets out to Tampa FL for a conference that he’s presenting at, so he’s still in work-mode. But as soon as he returns late Wednesday, he can officially relax and take off his social work hat for a few months. I can't wait to have Mr. Mom around the house!!!

Even though I’m still working full-time (grumble grumble), I have LOTS of plans for a fun summer with my girls (and the daddy, of course!)... weekly art projects, bike trips to our local ice cream shop, playing in our little above-ground pool and backyard sandbox (come on warm weather), attempting to help Chris with our vegetable and flower gardens, soaking up the sun at our annual trip to the cottage on Lake Michigan, and bringing the gang with me to a work conference in Washington DC the middle of July.

Happy summer, everyone!!


  1. Yeah, school's out! You've got lots of big plans for summer, let's hope the weather cooperates.

    We're thinking of heading down to Festival with the girls tonight (I think "they" are calling for rain over the weekend). Should be interesting and maybe even fun!

  2. How wonderful that your hubs gets to be home for the summer!

  3. Hey Kim! Thanks for being so patient throughout the school year. I can't wait to visit and catch up with you!

  4. Your summer sounds soooo fun! Can I come?! :)

    Thank you for the offer about your blog designs. How difficult is it to change them? (It took me a looong time to do the one I have--a freebie that is 'easy' for most people!).

    As for my photos, I don't always get good shots. I take TONS of photos and am happy if a few turn out. The beauty of digital...ah... :) Today I took some at a friend's pool and I wasn't very happy with them. Rats..

  5. wow! big week! Let me know how it all goes. Miss talking to ya!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.