July 13, 2009

Day 2 in DC

We traveled by various modes of transportation today...taxi, metrorail and water taxi. It was quite the day of adventures.

We started our day at the National Zoo.

The panda exhibit didn't disappoint. It was wonderful.

It was HOT. VERY HOT. And we walked a long long time in the zoo admiring the animals.

Josie took turns riding in her stroller and riding on top of Chris's shoulders. The water mist sprays were very popular at the zoo with the girls.

We then took the metrorail to Chinatown and attempted to view the "friendship arch" but it was under renovation. Josie fell alseep during our metrorail ride and didn't wake up until we were inside the Center for American Art and Portraiture. We were so desperate for air conditioning that we were pleasantly surprised to enjoy the displays in this museum.

We then ventured via metrorail again to Alexandria and walked our way up King Street to our water taxi. We dined in a fine seafood restaurant on the harbor and enjoyed the air conditioning before heading back to our hotel. Two nights in a row, Chris and I have enjoyed blue crab appetizers.

The water taxi ride was very peaceful.

Another busy and fun day.

Tomorrow, I'm going to my conference and Chris/girls are heading to the Arlington National Cementery, Vietnam Memorial, and the National Aquarium.

Stay tuned for more pictures.


  1. Wow! what awesome pictures!! I so love all of the big smiles (:
    So wonderful that you enjoyed such a fun, full day of adventures. Hope your conference goes well tomorrow and Chris has a fun day with the girls.

  2. Looks like you guys are having so much fun. I wish it was a little cooler fo you. What happened to Josie's little knees. I noticed the Band-Aids. Have a great day tomorrow!

  3. GREAT pictures!!!
    I love the panda ones, and the one of Emma the best!
    Sounds like you guys had a wonderful day!
    Love, Barb

  4. Hi Kenwards!
    Glad you made it safe and sound! Yep, it is just plain hot (and the humidity mixed in is miserable even for the natives!) in this part of the country.

    Looks like you are having lots of great experiences--The smiles say it all!

    Keep enjoying yourselves and say cool and hydrated!
    Cindy Whaley

  5. Looks like you guys are having a great time! I SO wish we could be there too!!! LOVE that picture of Emma. What a great shot!!! Thanks for keeping us posted!!! Hope you continue to have great fu!

  6. FABULOUS pictures!!! Wow...the animal pictures are amazing! Love the panda's... :)


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