July 14, 2009

Day 3 in DC

While I headed off to my conference, Chris took the girls to Arlington National Cemetery, Washington Monument, Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, John F. Kennedy's grave, Vietnam War Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. The pictures are impressive to say the least.

When my day ended, we dined at a fabulous Chinese restaurant across from our hotel. They even had a 30 foot statue inside the restaurant. Josie enjoyed spearing her sesame chicken with chopsticks.

Tomorrow, Chris is taking the girls to the the National Aquarium while I attend more conference sessions. I can't wait to see more pictures.


  1. D.C. is nothing short of amazing! great pics!! keep them coming (:

  2. Great pictures. It looks like everyone is having fun!

  3. More cool pics! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

  4. I pop over from Jill's blog for the very first time and find out that you are in my neck of the woods! Enjoy your trip to our stomping grounds! (And - just a heads up - the aquarium doesn't allow strollers, but they have a "parking spot" for them. Hope they enjoy their day!)

  5. How FUN!! And congrats to Mister Mom - enjoy the aquarium!
    Love, Barb

  6. Looks like you're all having a great time. We've never been to D.C. I hope to go sometime.

    We're busy here getting ready for our mission trip.

    Have a great time,

  7. Looks like fun! Thanks for the pictures. Have a good day at the conference and tell Chris he rocks! Is he itching to see Harry Potter?

  8. Wow! Those photos are impressive! It looks like a lot of fun and makes me want to go again...maybe after China??


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.